Well done all UE4 Oculus Mobile Jam finalists!

Just thought I’d write a quick post to say well done to all those who got through to the final round of judging in the Oculus Mobile Jam.

:smiley: !Well done! :smiley:

So far this is the list of finalists I can see who used UE4:

I’m sure I will have missed someone so let me know if you got through with a UE4 build and I’ll edit and update this post.

I’m dead chuffed to have got through to the final round. Makes the weeks of work and especially the last 48 hours of no sleep seem well worth it! The other three entries above most definitely deserved to get through too - I’ve played them all and they are great! Without 's Jam fork of the UE4 codebase I’m sure we’d all have found it a lot harder to get started developing for gear VR on UE4 in the first place - so big thanks to him from us all I’m sure.

Meant to do it earlier but also wanted to say thanks too to those who helped me out and answered questions and shared knowledge during the Jam - Bino & aussieburger especially. And thanks to the team over at Epic for helping out above and beyond the call of duty. , and I suspect , definitely made the right things happen in time for the Jam.

Anyway just wanted share some of my excitement and to say well done to all who entered. I’m really glad to see that some UE4 submission have made it through to the final round. Fingers crossed one of us gets a prize!

Next: On to bug fix build and nagging JJ for help with the MSAA Lollipop fix. He’s submitted a patch a couple of days ago that mentioned a fix for Lollipop issues here on the 4.8 branch. I’m going to write a separate post highlighting some issues that I’m having trying to get this to work.

Yeah congrats to you guys that made it! Fingers crossed you can do UE4 proud and pull home a prize :slight_smile: 4 from the 10 or 12 UE4 submissions I know of is a pretty good percentage! :slight_smile:

Congrats ! Growing up in southern Cali we would always take trips to visit the natural history museum so I was pretty excited to try it out but sadly my phone forced itself to update. Hopefully they’ll let you guys submit a bug fix build of 4.8 because I am dying to experience these projects

Thanks and congrats, . I was thrilled to see some strong representations of what UE4 can be capable of for VR development and it truly is an honor to be one of the fortunate teams representing it. There were so many fantastic projects (both UE4 and Unity) that didn’t make the cut for whatever reason. However, I hope everyone continues moving forward with their work and completing their original vision because, like most, I need more content to purchase for my GearVR. Regardless of if any prizes are awarded, I think it’s safe to say that we all learned a lot through the course of our work on these projects which is a unique value on it’s own.

BTW, congrats to Circumpaint & Crime Watch for being highlighted in this morning’s Engadget article.

Thanks for the callout, . And congrats to everyone that made it to the end of the Jam, and onto the final judging round.

I’ve been meaning to write up a post listing the GearVR and Android issues that I would like to see resolved in 4.8, but haven’t yet had time. I don’t think there are any surprises for those that have been getting their hands dirty with the Jam, but it would be nice to have it all in one place.

It was great to see Circumpaint highlighted by Engadgetthis morning, along with 16 others. There has been very little said about it apart from what I’ve been posting, so yay! I’m most definitely going to get Circumpaint up on the GearVR store as a paid app once it goes through a round of polish and expansion, regardless of the final outcome of the Jam. We need more UE4 content up there. :slight_smile:

Again Congrats to you all; great work.

Well done all, hope one of you win :slight_smile:

Well done all, hope one of you win :slight_smile:
Happy to help robeastham.

Hey! whah! I didn’t realize we were featured on the Engadget article.

I just got back from SVVR and got to meet a lot of the people who had their games and apps picked as finalists. Its amazing seeing all of the passion riding around VR and you are the guys who are going to build the future.

well done everyone who took interest or took part…I wish I was talented enough to enter hahahaha future dreams

Getting involved with challenges like this is a great way to develop those talents as it will push you to learn the skill set needed to create your vision. Even if you don’t reach the finals, you will still come out of it a better developer by investing the time. Another option, join a team looking for some support who’s willing to work with your current abilities (and hopefully willing to help you enhance them as well).