Weird streaks of mesh around character when rotating camera

Hello, first time poster.

Hi have a ThirdPersonCharacter that rotates with the camera. It also has animations for turning when Idle. When rotating, streaks of white appear around the character mesh as seen here:

The following camera’s motion blur is turned off. Can anyone shed light on why this is happening?

Hey @CallMeHero! Welcome to the forums!

That after image looks like it may be caused by some of your settings. Check out this thread with a similar issue (image link has depreciated) and a fix for it!

Hopefully the above contains your solution! If not, please share more about your rendering settings so we can take a closer look!

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Got it! Confirming it was the case.
Project Settings->Rendering->Anti-Aliasing Method set from TemporalAA to FXAA solved it!