Weird sharp color transition on floor

I’m testing on a scene using assets from the latest unreal archviz scene but I’m getting this weird sharp transition on the floor, which is especially bad when roughness is active and I’m not really sure what could be causing it.

I’m sure at this point it’s a material related issue because it also somehow resolves when I crank up both the reflection glossiness and roughness but then I end up with a mirror-looking floor.

Any help on the subject is greatly appreciated!

did you try to watch all different engine pass (roughness , reflections, lightning …) to see if you can find something.
it might comes from reflections too.
looks like a badly adjusted planar reflection

It was as easy as looking at my horribly placed box reflection capture and fixing the volume!

Thank you very much!


I think it’s going to be your box reflection capture!! Either there is no bigger reflection capture overlapping the area or the box one is intersecting your floor?