This is my first post here so sorry if I posted it in the wrong section…
Basically I am new to UE4 and I want to create windows. The problem is that I get weird blocky shadows from my windows. I also get a few warnings when building lightning:
Object has overlapping UVs.
Lightmap UV are overlapping by 16.3%. Please adjust content - Enable Error Coloring to visualize.
Between these two sections it should help you resolve your issues. If you’re not sure about lightmapping and how to fix this in a 3D modeling program you can see our documentation linked below for more in-depth details.
Thank you very much Tim! I’ve seen a few answers from you before and it seems like you know what youre doing I am reading these links as I am writing this and I will post an update after.
I have read all of the provided links… I tried channging the lightmap resolution, I tried changing the build lightning quality, I created the second UV channel about 20 times now. I changed the lightmap index to 1 aswell… Im starting to think UE4 isn’t for me… Lightning is really complicated…
I also added another window model to see whether the problem would go away, but it didnt, in fact now it has weird shadows on the border: