im getting some weird shadows on my surfaces when im walking around in my scene with baked lighting on (no ray tracing). I created a short video, where you can see the problem im having.
Here is the link: Unreal - Light / Shadow Stains - YouTube
It would be really nice if someone could help with my problem, beacuase i cant find any solution. Thank you!
You might need to provide more information on the scene. What are the mobility settings of lights? what are the directional and skylight settings for lighting (just the top list, not under Advanced)?
It looks like ambient occlusion has become problematic around inset corners between meshes (such as the cupboards and underneath the counter edge). I’ve encountered this in dynamic lighting, and can be fixed using Post Process Volume settings for Amb Occl, particularly the Advanced settings of Power, Bias, Quality, and the 3 Mip based settings. There’s also a number of cvars to tweak it. Bring up the console with “~”, or via the Output Log (go to Windows > Developer Tools > select Output Log and it displays in a tab of the Content Browser). Type in r.ambientocclusion and r.shadow for a list of different console variables. Typing a “?” after a complete cvar often tells what it is for and sometimes the values (though lots are either 0 or 1 for off/on, respectively). It could be a solved by enhancing the denoiser with higher values, and/or increasing quality / resolution.
The meshes may have too low lightmap resolution, though if they’re already at 1024 or higher I don’t see how it would be the problem. Increasing to 2048 or at the highest 4096 for some meshes could help, but avoid doing it for most or all meshes because it increases build times / memory usage. Ensure that the lightmap UVs are all in Channel 1 or 2, not Channel 0 which is better reserved for texture UVs.
It could be better to see the lighting only view mode and with a simple material…
But I think it’s going to be your quality setting under lightmass! It looks like you don’t have enough samples in the scene that’s why those circular/patchy spots are there…