Hello. I am completely new to unreal engine and know almost nothing about it. I downloaded the hype chamber broadcast sample project and when I entered it, I saw that the ground is very reflective, while I saw in its tutorials that there is no such problem. I have uploaded a picture of my problem and a correct one. Help me please
It looks like an issue with the roughness cutoff threshold, or more generally a settings config. issue with the RT reflections. Glossy/rough reflections are generally more expensive than sharp ones, and there’s also the possibility the video used a different build or even a different reflections method such as SSR, I’m simply not sure though.
Perhaps it’s even the UE5 version of the project, and lumen reflections will give entirely different results than RT.
Just to be sure, what is your screen and what is the correct one? haha.
Because I can see that both are different, but I don’t see any problem in either.
Anyways, as the previous user says the only difference is the Rougness information.
I don’t think you need to pass to UE5 or change your graphic card. Although surely in Unreal 5 reflections work differently, so if you look this scene in UE5 and are trying to replicate in UE4, you can, of course, but the reflections are probably not exactly the same.
It can be just the camera angle, or the Post Process Volume of the scene what makes it look different, those things change how reflections look.
But if you want to try you can change the Rougness from the Material itself.
If you select a Mesh in the Details Pannel you can double click the material and open the Material Pannel
(In my case, for example, I have 2 materials in that mesh)
And there is different if the mesh is using Materials or Instance Material, in the last case meaning that all depends on how the user created the base material.
But the important part is that you want to modify the Rougness.
I’ll give you a link to the Material documentation:
Thank you so much but i want so show you more details but i can’t post images because I’m new
Please let me know where i can talk with you, I have to show you some pictures. i really need this project