Weird noise when zooming in and out

Hello, I noticed that when zooming in and out i have weird noise appear.

Anyone knows how to fix this ?

I think it will go away if you restart the editor.

this happens every time i restart the editor

Are you getting messages about VRAM running out, or streaming pool?

sometimes yes, haven’t appeared yet though
Also i did set r.Streaming.PoolSize 8000

But yes for some reason i think i have some issues with that as well, though is just an empty level with a skybox / lavaplanet (which i think may cause the issue as the lava is animated material) and a HSIM with a hexgrid (the red plane is actually a big hexgrid - thinking that the fact that HSIM instace is nanite enabled doesnt help either)

Maybe I’m not clear about what the problem is. I thought it was this

I think the whole point of Nanite, is you don’t need HISM.

yes, that is the problem as it appears also when i play the project, not only in the editor.

Also with a 350 hex radius grid i think i need HSIM (perhaps i don’t need nanite) - but the thing is that those artefacts appeared even when it wasn’t a nanite mesh (sorry for being confusing, nanite/hsim had nothing to do with my problem i think, i was just explaining what my scene is in case there is something i was doing wrong and generating that noise )

think overall is a problem with the material for that planet as even when i turn off the visibility of all the other elements except for the planet that still happens

it’s like a delayed redraw of those pixels as they fade away shortly, but still very annoying to the eye.

The thing to do is cut out stuff and note what happens. I’d take the hex out of the scene for now, just for testing ( turn off auto-save ).

Can I see the planet material?

Very normal material. No WPO etc.

The fact that the issue fades, sound like it’s something to do with Lumen.

I can’t say much else. Unless you want to PM a copy of ( just ) this level.

think ur right about lumen, don’t think level has anything to do with it so i might just build my game logic first then look into lumen/optimisations at the end
thank you very much for your time though

Things will be constantly improving with Lumen…