Weird light on movable objects

I’m having problems dealing with that light in the red circle in the pic below. The door is a BP door (movable), the right part of the door is a static. (green part is movable, yellow part is static in the pic.)

The directional light in the scene is stationary, the skylight is static. No other lights exist in this level.

I can remove that weird light by selecting “force surface” to be the lightmap type in the mesh’s lighting panel, as the pic below. But I think this is only a temporary solution, and I still want to know where this light comes from and what causes this problem.


Maybe your Volumetric Lightmap Detail Cell Size is on default (200) and that’s why you get inaccurate indirect lighting on your movable meshes…

Thanks for the reply, but I set it to 90 and the problem is still there…

It’s in cm’s so if that part of the mesh is bigger than 90 cm it can still cause the problem since now you have samples at every 90 cm and that will give you lighting information on movable meshes!