Weird landscape flickering happening only in build


I have been stuck on a weird visual artefact for days now.

As you can see, I have a lot of what looks like Z-fighting on some parts of my landscape.
My map is composed of a number of 50m*50m landscapes, randomly put together in a grid, and the vast majority of them don’t have any issue, only the ones with that specific biome do. This biome doesn’t have anything special compared to the others tho, I have tried disabling/hiding basically everything in these tiles but even then the issue persists.
What’s weird is that this issue only occurs in our builds, not when we test the game in the Unreal editor.

I have redone the problematic landscapes from scratch (the landscapes had some relief before, they are completely flat now) and the issue is still there.

The project is made in UE 5.1.

The landscape shader is pretty simple (diffuse, normal, roughness, emissive. Opaque and default lit).

If any of you has any idea, I’m here to hear it. Please help :slight_smile:

Thank you