Weird Intellisense

So I been seeing some weird things with intellisense lately. I download Looman Tutorial for survival game and generated the vs files. And I opened up SBaseCharacter.h and cpp files. The cpp file is not detecting the .h file and the .h file is not detecting the generated header file.

It complies perfectly but the intellisense make it hard to code with error lines and no auto complete.
Here is the folder structure for the project.

Hello, Mohhamed

Please note that IntelliSense often provides false-positive errors of this kind.
To prevent this, please make sure that IntelliSense is disabled in Visual Studio:


If you like to learn more about setting up Visual Studio for UE4, please go here:

Hope this helped!


Thank you will unreal engine v4.9 with vs2015 have better IntelliSense?


I also get problems with intellisense sometimes… usually it is the UCLASS that is not recognized, and then the ‘class’ keyword as well, and then in the CPP file, everything is considered an error because the class definition is not compiled. Sometimes when I reload stuff etc. it works again… but yeah should be adressed, because working without the auto complete, and your screen full of red squiqly lines is much harder