When I increase the screen editor window or move to a certain distance towards the groom, this weird shadow artifact comes to the groom. It seems to be a glitch that culls the lighting information from the hair past a certain point and I haven’t found any information whatsoever about how to fix this. Please help as soon as anyone can because this issue has been driving me nuts!
For me, the solution was to set the anti-aliasing method to ‘none’ in the project settings. Let me know what works for you.
I appreciate the suggestion but I don’t think it’s anti-aliasing. I think that grooms are still unbelievably broken or poorly tested and this is caused by the auto lod system that they implemented. It’s hit or miss if it works correctly from the further testing I did and I hope the Epic Games team realizes this and helps fix those bugs
Hi everyone! I actually ended up finding out the issue: It turns out of you used this cvar and value that was recommended by Epic Games for smaller scale grooms, you find yourself having the weird shadow artifacts from the voxel resolution. I recommend everyone to play with the scale of the voxels so that you don’t get weird banding or shadowing artifacts
This is the setting Epic Devs recommended (that caused the problems)
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.VoxelWorldSize = .15
This is the setting that I changed to help my groom get rid of the weird shadowing or blinds artifacts
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.VoxelWorldSize = .5 or 1
Hope this helps someone cuz I was driven nuts by the lack of documentation or solutions online for this. It will make your shadows a bit less dark but will be able to see the skylighting integration a lot better.
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