Hey, can anyone explain why everything gets distorted like this when I move my head around, initially I thought this was ASW but the framerate is a consistent 72 so it shouldn’t kick in? It only happens in UE4 and not in UE5 but I’m not ready to upgrade yet, some explanation would be really appreciated.
Strange, it kind of looks like compression artifacts from Oculus Link That’s all I’ve got unfortunately…
It doesn’t happen in UE5 so I don’t think it’s Link compression
Asynchronous Space Warp will do that, but that shouldn’t kick in if you have headroom
I’ve tested again and it seems to happen in a fresh VR template map with lots of headroom, in editor/standalone or in a packaged project, with AirLink or via Link cable, doesn’t seems to make a difference, only moving the head/camera produces the distortion
Yeah that looks like ASW artifacts. Has it always been like this or did it start happening recently?
It’s been like this since the start
What would help is if anyone can confirm this is an issue in 4.27.2 and not just on my end, it’s really noticeable in my project and it’s really slowing my development progress, I’ve been trying to solve this for days
I get this happening when im looking at the VR Preview and the Editor has a docked window eg. the level blueprint open. The solution seems to be to close the other windows. Also check for the shadow quality. Try setting it to 2 with a console command in begin play
When I leave other windows open and press play in editor I get a weird wobbly camera effect, like the camera isn’t 1:1 with the headset, so I usually close all windows beforehand or I use standalone mode, but what I’m showing here is present regardless.
I’ve also tried with all scalability levels at runtime via console commands and it doesn’t improve it.
Thanks for the suggestions
I wanted to add that disabling the OpenXR plugin and enabling the OculusVR plugin instead solves the issue, however this is not a solution as I’d prefer to use OpenXR
Are you able to reproduce it in a packaged build or is it just in-editor? I can’t reproduce it myself in the VR Template.
Yeah in a packaged build, standalone and in editor, thanks for giving it a try, was it on a Quest 2 and were you using OpenXR with the Oculus plugin disabled? I’m going to have to try on another computer and factory reset my headset to rule out my current setup
Since you’re in 4.27, try enabling OculusOpenXR. It was required to package for Oculus Mobile for that engine version, but it could have some influence on how Link works as well. OpenXR/OculusOpenXR is the combination you should use for OpenXR (and what I tried with as it’s the VR Template defaults).
I suggest you move to 5.1 if you can, there’s been a significant amount of work on the OpenXR plugin since 4.27.
I did try the OculusOpenXR plugin and that didn’t help, also I can’t upgrade to 5.1, I’m working on a graphically intensive experience and the performance drop from 4.27 to 5.1 is massive even after configuring the project to be optimized for VR, this issue puts me in a difficult position
I also just finished factory resetting my Quest 2 and tested on another computer to rule out my system, the issue is still present, at this point I don’t know what else to test and I’m surprised nobody seems to have the same issue
So I’ve had other people test a build and everyone experiences the issue, which tells me the problem is not on my end, I also tried the Oculus fork of 4.27 and it makes no difference
I have a question though, when I enable both OpenXR and OculusVR there’s no issues other than my hands being in a different orientation, I didn’t enable OculusVR because I started with UE5 and there it said the plugin was deprecated and to use OpenXR only. If I enable both plugins in UE4, will OculusVR cause compatibility issues in the future?
If OpenXR and OculusVR are both enabled, OculusVR takes priority and you’re not using OpenXR. We deprecated OculusVR in 5.1, the plugin and the OVR SDK won’t be supported moving forward.
Custom project or VR Template/Blank project?
A build of my project made with 4.27
If I don’t plan to upgrade to UE5 and release my game with 4.27 using OculusVR, will I run into compatibility issues in the future with new headsets etc, if not then I’ll just use OculusVR instead and focus on finishing my project, I’m losing too much time trying to solve this
You were able to reproduce it with the VR Template though right?
Yes, with OpenXR your application should work with devices that hasn’t even been thought of yet