Weird color on contacting assets


im relativly new and i though im gonna create a little racing game. I right now have a gameplay up and running and im now trying to create a map. Im using Synthy Studios Simpel Racer Assets.
Actually i allready created a map and set everything up but on some assets i get this weird color grade when two assets are contacting. This can be seen on the left site of the screenshot i attached. However mostly it works fine. See on the lft side there is no such artifact. I though it might be shadow but in the scresnhot the shadows are completly turned off and i still get this effect.
I guess there is actually a very easy solution for that but i didnt even know what to google for so any help would be appreciated.

Solved. Its actually the Sky light shadow. Disabled Skylight shadows completly now as they are not needed in this project and played aroudn with intensity values for sky light and directional light and got it looking liek i want