1-Open the sample project “WaveSDK-UnrealPlugin-beta2”. for the Unreal Engine Version 4.18.3.
2-Open the level “WaveVR_MotionController_Test.umap” for example.
3-Enable the “WebBrowser” plugin and “restartNow”.
4-Once it becomes open, we can create a WebBrowser Widget.
5-Open the widget and enter the WebBrowser component. We also put in “Initial URL” the URL to which you must connect, for example www.google.es.
6-We create an Actor-type Blueprint and open it.
7-We added a Widget component, in “WidgetClass” we placed the Widget that we created previously in step 4 and configured in step 5.
8-We added this Blueprint to the scene
9-We connect the ViVE Focus and we give it to Launch. The result is not as expected in terms of a Normal 3D Widget. The Blueprint with WebBrowser widget is automatically added to the camera VR.