Hi! I am trying to implement a 3D Web Browser on VR. Firstly, I enabled the WebBrowser plugin. Then, I created a UMG widget that contains a WebBrowser and I used it on a WidgetComponent. Playing in the edtior, when I stop playing a garbage collector error pops up. After some debugging, I realized that this error only appears when the widget is on the world space, and it does not pops up when the widget is on the screen space. Another thing to highlight is that the error only appears when the InitialURL field on the WebBrowser widget is filled with a valid url.
The engine version I am using is a custom modification of the 4.24.3 for Oculus.
The error I am getting is:
Ensure condition failed: !IsGarbageCollecting()
[File:/UE4_Oculus_Source/4.24.3/Engine/Source/Runtime/UMG/Private/Slate/SObjectWidget.cpp] [Line: 43]
SObjectWidget for 'W_Test_C /Engine/Transient.UnrealEdEngine_0:GI_GameInstance_C_0.W_Test_C_0' destroyed while collecting garbage. This can lead to multiple GCs being required to cleanup the object. Possible causes might be,
1) ReleaseSlateResources not being implemented for the owner of this pointer.
2) You may just be holding onto some slate pointers on an actor that don't get reset until the actor is Garbage Collected. You should avoid doing this, and instead reset those references when the actor is Destroyed.