So, Im building a LAN multiplayer game using the multiplayer tutorial uploaded to unreals youtube chanel, Players must spawn with a weapon attached depending on a variable that is inside the player info struct. When testing the game with only one player, the weapon spawns with no problem, but when testing it with 2 or more players all the clients have no problem spawning their respective weapons, however, the server weapon no longer spawns on the character. Ive noticed that sometimes it spawns on the ground or right next to my server character but is not attached to him or sometimes it dosent spawn at all. I dont really know anything about replication so im really lost here.
Here is a screenshot of how im spawning the weapon
Here are some screenshots of how my game is behaving when testing
I moved some things arround and now the problem is that only the server spawns with his respective weapon and now the clients weapons dont spawn at all. All my weapons are replicated and the assigning weapons event happens in an event begin play inside of my character blueprint. Now I am able to see the correct weapon attached to the server character so the only problem now is spawning the weapon on the clients. For some reason the event is not happening on the server side
here is how im spawning the weapon now