Weapon Variables Not Replicating When Weapon is Dropped

Hi there!

 I have been trying to figure out a replication problem. I am making an FPS and I want to drop a weapon and then store the stats into the dropped weapon on begin play. This is what it looks like.

Drop: (Spawns the actor of the equipped gun)

Store Values: (This stores the values from my weapon base blueprint into the weapon being dropped)

Overlap Print: (This prints the gun stats when my first person character overlaps)

Say that the server shoots all the ammo in the magazine and then drops the weapon. The client can pick up the weapon and all the stats are perfectly fine:

Server Shoot (Server shoots all ammo in mag)

Client Pick Up

 But now, let say that the client shoots all the ammo in the magazine and then drops the weapon. The server picks up a new gun and can't seem to read the variables that the client sets.

Client Shoot (Client shoots all ammo in mag)

Server Pick Up

 Here are the overlap print statements:

The Server Drops the Weapon and the Server Overlaps:
server drop print

The Server Drops the Weapon and the Client Overlaps:
client overlaps server

The Client Drops the Weapon and the Client Overlaps:
client drop print

The Client Drops the Weapon and the Server Overlaps: NOTE: Issue
server overlaps client

I know that this is a lot to look through, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!