Weapon Master VR Support Thread

The Dummy mover has a character Movement Component. You want to reference that.

@OneShotGG i’m trying to setup my own enemy AI character but be able to kill him with melee attacks. it works fine when i hit/ stab the zombie but doesnt work on my own character.

nvm i figured it out. the physics body needed a physics material override to pm_body. all working now :smiley:

This worked for the time dilation problem I was having earlier but I just tried adding a jump and its not working. Should the below BP work?

Don’t forget that PM_Body and PM_Head will give different damage amounts (PM_Head will multiply damage times weapon’s critical multiplier).

It should work but I have never tested jumping. If you want to debug the Dummy mover you can either show the capsule component in BP_VRDummyMover or add a skeletal mesh to the mesh component in BP_VRDummyMover. That should let you know if the Dummy Mover is jumping at all. If it is jumping then there is a disconnect between the Mover and the Player Character. If it isn’t jumping then there is something off with the the Character Movement component settings.

If you are confused, think of the Dummy Mover as a hoverboard the player character can move around on. If you are walking around in the play space the dummy mover follows you. If you are using touchpad to move you follow the dummy mover. This should work vertically but first we need to know if the mover is actually jumping or not.

Part 2 of the tutorial is up.

It works in the dummy BP but when I try it in the BP_VRCharacter nothing happens. Is there something in the BP_VRCharacter that is keeping it grounded somehow?


Edit: Actually I’ve just noticed that if you move the playerstart way above the floor like about 100m he will just hang there until you move forward. Then it will zoom to the floor. Is there something in the code interfering with the gravity of the dummy BP? This is killing me that I can’t integrate something as simple as a jump mechanic into this.

I think maybe leave 4.15 as is, locked. And move on with 4.16 for new development. Will be easier than having to maintain and or fix anything in both versions. I feel it would save you some time, and I am pretty sure most will be starting a project in 4.16, eager to go to 4.17 when ready.


Actually the reason for that is that gravity is ignored when not pressing down on the touch pad. We can fix this but it will require a few changes. I will add the option for this natively for 1.1, but let me take a look and see if I can give you the code needed for this to work in the meantime.

Basically we will be adding a “real” ground check and then allowing gravity if there is no ground at all. Lemme see what I can come up with and get back to you.

That’s great thanks.

Ok, I looked into it. I am going to have to expand on the event tick positioning logic. This is something I will add for 1.1 along with jump/falling. Basically I will add an option to allow falling when ground isn’t found and not jumping. The falling will follow the dummy mover. This also means that, with this option on, if you walk off a cliff physically (as in moving around your playspace) you will also fall.

Since this is a feature that can cause nausea it will be off by default but you will be able to turn it on by changing one bool.

I still have to finish the tutorial series before moving onto 1.1 but I will post my solution as soon as I can for you to copy. Unless you are cool waiting for full integration in 1.1.

Hi, cool stuff! Just picked it at .

I bought it mainly for the Bow and Arrow. It works fine but there are a few rough corners…

The thing that bothers me the most is how the controller rumble when pulling the string. It keeps rumbling even when you stop pulling it (when you you are aiming). And the intensity is also reversed (slow on the begining and fast at the end). Would be really cool if you could reach a "The Lab"´ level of bow and arrow haptics.

Some stretching sound would be cool too! - YouTube


When do you hope to have 1.1 out?

Mid July, I can post the blueprint stuff for you to copy beforehand though.

I plan on doing another pass at the bow. It is in no way finished. String sound should be coming in 1.1. I will make the rumble optional if you want. Right now you can set its intensity in the blueprint.

My thought process with the rumble was that it would represent the resistance when holding it back.

Ya that would be great, I can’t really move forward with the gameplay ideas I have until I can implement a jump.

Ok cool, well I am starting on 1.1 next week. I will tackle the jump stuff first and get it to you.

I am going to be finishing up this first tutorial series this week and getting started on 1.1 development (Don’t worry there will be more tutorials coming during 1.1s development). The following is what we are planning to change and add in 1.1. This list is subject to change.


  • Add the ability to jump and fall if desired (better, more robust ground detection logic)
  • Split inventory (note this does not mean holsters) into its own object that can be saved and loaded on its own.
  • Misc object holster
  • actual holster meshes (not just boxes :stuck_out_tongue: )
  • Bug fixes
  • Oculus Rift button mappings


  • Orient the hand when grabbing a slide or charging handle for more immersion

BP_VRCharacterInventory (NEW)

  • Class that handles all inventory logic
  • Load and save inventory values
  • UI changes to make life easier
  • This class will eventually handle the “Backpack” logic in 1.2


  • Option for Simple or Advance Magazines
  • Simple Magazines work like they do currently
  • Advanced magazines load physical bullets into arrays that allow you to have different types of bullets, of the same caliber, in the same magazine (EX. Hollow point and FMJ). Bullets can be fully visible (meaning all bullets have a mesh in the mag), or only top 2 visible (performance mode).
  • Version 1.0 of stripper clips will be added. They will attach and then an animation will play for loading the bullets before detaching.
  • Option to grab magazines instead of auto eject (ex. MP5 mag handling)


  • Both beginning and ending rotating bolt logic for bolt action rifles and guns like the MP5/G3.
  • clean up of bolt logic to remove extraneous bool values (less chance for errors).
  • 2 new attachment points (GripAttachments, BarrelAttachments)
  • Recoil Improvements
  • stats effected by attachments


  • Add modes system for more arcade like guns (think space pirate trainer
  • 2 new attachment points (Same as above)
  • Recoil improvements
  • stats effected by attachments


  • Expansion of bow logic
  • ability to fire different types of arrows (fire, normal, explosive, etc)
  • additional options for rumble and sound
  • additional sounds

Attachments 2.0


  • complete rework of the scope attachments so that they actually look, and function like real scopes
  • hopefully the addition of parallax to force accurate head placement (less like a camera)
  • Zeroing
  • Multiple zoom levels
  • Addition of red dot and holographic 1x sights

BP_GripAttachment (New)

  • Foregrip attachments that increase stability


  • Working Bipod that functions like the inverse of 2 handed firearm gripping
  • attaches to viable surfaces that are not too sloped, and detaches if the main hand gets too far away from the weapon grip.
  • will attach to the grip attachment socket just like the Grip Attachments and launcher attachments.
  • activated by trigger interaction.

BP_LauncherAttachment (New)

  • Grenade Launcher that attaches to the grip area.
  • Both stabilizes and allows firing of a single grenade before needing to reload.


  • Addition of laser attachment
  • Expansion of light attachment


  • Zeroing logic
  • Addition of Canted Red Dot as an “Ironsight” (for use with scopes).

BP_BarrelAttachment (New)

  • Barrel Attachments can effect sound and weapon stats
  • Suppressors that work correctly (need subsonic ammo to be silenced but will still suppress supersonic ammo)
  • Will set the type of muzzle flash and fire sound.

New Weapons

**MP5 **(Premium Weapon Example)
Bolt Action Sniper Rifle (stripper clip fed)
Modular SciFi Gun (Basic Firearm example gun)

Note: The MP5 is meant to be an example of the quality of guns that will come in our future weapon packs that will be sold separately from Weapon Master.

Amazing work you are doing! Thank you!

:frowning: no oculus rift support with 1.1? Cant you borrow a rift somewhere? It would maximise your sells.