Weapon Master VR Support Thread

caaaaaaaaaaaant wait for the update :slight_smile: all looking amazing! great job as usual!

I am going to include Oculus touch button mapping. Given that weapon master extends from Epic’s VR Template that works with oculus this should get it close to working with rift + touch. I am trying to track down someone with a touch to test.

great thank you!!!

When comes the 1.1?

I don’t use any 3d modeling programs. Would I be able to buy a pack like Animated Rifle Variety Weapons Pack in Weapons - UE Marketplace or Ultimate FPS Weapons Pack (VR ready) in Weapons - UE Marketplace
and skip to the second part of your firearm tutorial, the part where you work within unreal itself? I’m looking at one of their screenshots and it looks like the components are broken up or does it need more than just that to work?

If you intend to use physical magazine firearms the various pieces need to be broken up into seperate skeletal meshes. I am not sure if the packs come that way or not. If they dont you will have to follow thr first tutorial to rig them correctly.

If you wish to use just the basic firearm then combined meshes with animations will work. Basic firearms dont have slide/charging handle manipulation.

We currently have 5 modern weapon packs planned (3 guns each) that will be sold seperately and work with WM with no outside setup needed.

The tut i am doing uses a chamferzone model btw, akm, and all his meshes in that ultimate pack will need to follow similar steps to work with the physical magazine firearm system in weapon master.

Cool when do you plan to release the packs and what price ball park wise are you looking at?

Hey everyone here is the next part of the AKM tutorial

We are shooting for august with the first pack and I am not sure what the price point will be. Version 1.1 of WM will come with an MP5 that is a Free “Sample” showing the quality you will get with our premium weapons.

Hi Oneshot, I can see you use a BP_AI_Target to get the zombie to attack the player. I can see in the BP_VRCharacter where you spawn the BP but there no code in the target BP itself and I can’t see anything in the zombie BP that tells it to attack or move towards the target BP. Can you let me know where this logic is setup? If you want to pm me the answer instead of putting the code here thats cool.

This is by far the greatest pack I’ve ever seen. Has anyone successfully changed with hands in this project using “Hands for VR SciFi” from the Marketplace? I tried using the Mechanized Gloves, but when connecting the grip state variable, it auto-changed into “Byte to Enum GripEnum.” There’s something I’m supposed to connect after this to enable the grip state, but I’m at a dead end for now. Anyone have any ideas? I wasn’t able to upload images for some reason, so I’ve included a link:

I used their first hand pack for VR which should be the same. I’m just in work right now but I’ll send you screenshots later of how I did it.

The AI logic is pretty bare bones right now. I hope to expand upon it in the future. In 1.1 AI_Target is going to be replaced by the dummy mover to remove redundancy.

If you are curious how the AI knows to look for the AI_Target look at BP_Serv_AgroCheck in the AI Folder. It is a service that runs at the top of the Zombie AI behavior Tree and sets the TargetToFollow Variable in blackboard.

I believe I fix your problem in this video?

Thanks so much, Brad! This is really helpful. Keep up the great work.

What do you think about making the hands visible and orientating them to hold the weapons, mags, etc. to increase immersion? For example, https://goo.gl/images/OKN7uW

I second that, it really adds to immersion and many of us will make good use of that.

I purchased the pack through Itch, I use oculus, so supporting you in advance. I can`t really use touch on the pack, the hands seem off on rotation and position to touch controllers and cant menu, locomotion or most over stuff to work such as ejecting mags, attachments etc. But looking forward to full oculus/touch support.

Hands visibility would be a great addition.

I’m willing to donate $100 or more on in advance to help pay for such a feature :slight_smile:

Hands are coming. It might be 1.2 before we get to them though. I need to create a skeletal rig before we can get started on them. We will be adding the option for sure though.

Great news. may I add dear friend, that for versatility, and awesomeness for working up the weapon master pack. Is to simply include the Unreal 4 skeleton, and use the IK- to root the hands, Do 2-4 anims for grips with hands. and you have something many people will be able to work with, and Kudos for an awesome pack. This is not just a personal request, as it would help me out and save an hours work, but please check this tutorial for quick and easy implementation. : RMF #01 - UE4 Tutorial - Vive - IK Bones - YouTube \Just a short amount of work in IK will really stand out and save you lots of troubles all round for just hands and different types :slight_smile: Really looking forward to Oculus Touch support so I can use this and get to test it out properly :wink: