Weapon Master VR Support Thread

How would I go about amending the head shot logic with my own meshes for the zombies? Everything else works except this. Is there something I need to add or rename to my skeletal mesh?

Make sure your characters head has the physics material “Head”.

How would I go about doing that? Sorry if I sound thick but do you mean use the PM_Head in the head material. I don’t have one for my meshes but I checked in your head material and you have nothing in the Phys Material slot so where did you put yours?

When doing your physics asset for your ai you can assign different physics materials to different parts of the body. Assign th PM_Head to the physics primative you are using for the head in your characters Physics Asset.

I’m using the Projectiles pack with this and for some bizarre reason when +DefaultChannelResponses=(Channel=ECC_GameTraceChannel1,Name=“AITarget”,DefaultResponse=ECR_Ignore,bTraceType=False,bStaticObject=False) is in the default engine ini it stops the collision for the projectiles pack from working. When I take it out it works fine. I don’t notice any difference with it out. Everything else in Weapon master seems to work fine so just in case I have some game braking bug somewhere down the line what does +DefaultChannelResponses=(Channel=ECC_GameTraceChannel1,Name=“AITarget”,DefaultResponse=ECR_Ignore,bTraceType=False,bStaticObject=False) do and is it important?

Ok I see that now. I applied the PM_Head to my mesh but it still takes 3 head shots to kill him. I can see in the BP_InstantHit that deals with the damage for a headshot. I tried changing the critical multiplier from 2.0 to 6.0 but that didn’t make any difference. What am I doing wrong? How can I increase the damage done by a head shot?

Has anyone managed to get the Generated Gore Dismemberment Kit from the Marketplace (Generated Gore Dismemberment Kit in Blueprints - UE Marketplace) to work with this project yet? I was able to get the Basic Pistol to fire the gore projectile, which is the default yellow ball from the fps template, but it doesn’t dismember the example characters that came with the project.

I will pick this up soon and see what I can do to make it work. Been waiting for an asset like this!

Which gun are you using? You are setting the critical multiplier on a child of BP_InstantHit right? Like, if you are firing the pistol you actually set the critical on BP_45 child of BP_InstantHit.

I hope I don’t get in trouble but I made this thread Epic should answer emails. - Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums to try and get an answer from epic about their continued lack of email correspondence. I don’t know what else to do as I have tried multiple different avenues to figure out what the heck is going on for yall.

For those that have, thank yall so much for purchasing on , and I will keep trying to get this thing on the MP for those that are waiting.

We’re with you, OneShotGG :smiley:

That works perfectly thanks.

Just wanted to drop a line and let yall know were we are at with 1.1.

  • I have almost finished the Kar98 model. Just need to texture and rig it.

  • Holsters are now their own blueprints and you will be able to add them to the player character dynamically in the future.

  • Holstering logic has completely changed and is much more simple.

  • Streamlined slide manipulation logic and starting adding in rotating bolt logic

  • is almost done with the new ammunition models and boxes.

What I will be working on next:

  • Finishing up bolt and holster stuff.
  • Finishing Kar 98.
  • Adding optional Jump and better falling logic.
  • Starting on inventory improvements.

I hope to have a video of some new stuff in a week or so. I should have the next tutorial out this week as well (probably friday).


Cool :smiley: I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Is there any work around to quickly allow oculus touch support? i really want to buy this but i only have the rift.

Do you live in Central Texas? :stuck_out_tongue: The issue is that we can’t find a touch owner to test with and we cannot afford a Rift + Touch right now. Believe me I am well aware of this issue and hope to fine some help soon.

As a touch owner, would I be able to easily go into the blueprints and change the button mappings myself to fit the oculus?

Yeah, but I would just add oclulus touch controls to the input matrix. This is what is coming in 1.1 at the very least.

Anyone with a rift, can you tell me if the basic Epic VR template logic still works correctly with weapon master? I have a feeling it is just button and possibly motion controller related stuff that isn’t in right now.

BTW, I have been in contact with Epic and Weapon Master VR is current under review.

Ill purchase this right now if you can point me in the direction of where the input matrix is, ill also tell you if the Epic VR template logic still works correctly with weapon master.