Weapon Master VR Support Thread

You need to apply for the Oculus developer hardware request. I just showed them a link to my game on steam and they sent me out an Oculus Rift and touch controllers. Just let them know you are developing an app that others want to use to make Oculus rift games, which is true. I’m sure it would be approved.

Using occulus in easy , 2 things to fix -controller forward vectors, in Weapon Master different objects snap at different angles for some reason , and the buttons on Vive -there is not enough buttons on occulus controller so you need to map right hand joystick input to fake buttons.Like here - you press right joystick down and it sends a button down

Already did the mapping, also here is the rotational vectors for each weapon, perfectly aligned with the oculus touch remote.
pistol - Held Rotational Adjustment - x = 0, y = 30, z = 0
sword - Held Rotational Adjustment - x = -5, y = 0, z = -90
knife - Held Rotational Adjustment - x = 0, y = 85, z = 0

Wow that’s awesome to hear, so everything is working correctly or do you still need help with input matrix? I take it the oculus has a different default rotation from the vive?

Also, can the oculus detect fingers closing like the new vive knuckles controller? If so I can add an option to grab things by physically grabbing with your hand (planning on it for knuckles anyways).

I will do this asap.

Hey everyone, just got word from epic that WM VR has passed the submission process. Just waiting for a release date. I will post it when we find out.

Everything in regards to the input matrix is done and fully mapped to the touch. yes it had a different rotation, and those values I gave you fit most comfortably in the position you would expect to have holding a gun. And yes, the touch detects fingers closing like the new vive knuckles.

Overall, everything with the oculus seems to work perfectly out of the box besides the rotations and the key mapping


Request for a feature for the zombie AI. Can you set it up where you can choose the default state for the zombie to either be in idle or wandering mode and then on pawn see and hear move towards the player. At the moment you can have either it wandering or move towards the player no matter where the player is so a mixture of the both in the one AI character would be great. I have my own zombies and animation so it will be easier for me to just create a child BP of your AI.

I can do this. Will make a perception zombie.

Hey everyone, according to epic Weapon Master VR will be launching today on the marketplace. I will be looking into vouchers for those that purchased versions. The version will be updated along side the MP version so if you prefer itch you can stick with it.

I really want to buy this but will this be updated so that it works with the Rift instead of me having to modify the blueprint to get it to work? Please let me know :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Yes, rift support in next version.

Is the next version that is going to support the Rift going to be for 4.16? Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, right now you can upgrade it to 4.16 no problem (dev version is already 4.16 with no changes). 1.1 (next) will have native touch support and be 4.16. There are instructions on how to add touch support to the current version in this thread as well.

BTW, if anyone has any requests, other than what we have coming in the 1.1 update, please let us know.

Is there anyway I can have a swoosh sound play when I swing the sword? I can see where you setup a MinimumSwingSpeed for damage but how would I apply that to playing a sound?

Also as a feature request I have two ideas. One a climbing mechanism and two not really a feature but a tutorial on how to add custom meshes for the melee BP. Sounds simple but I tried to add a axe and I couldn’t get the hitbox to move to the axe head so I reimported the axe changing the z to -50 but then it looked like you were grabbing the axe by the head so ya if you get the time a tutorial on that would be great.

Oh btw it looks like someone has already used your pack to release a game on steam.

awesome just saw it on the market, cant wait for the voucher :smiley:

The hitboxes move to a socket position. I could do that tutorial fairly quickly.

As far as a swoosh sound. Hmm, you could play a sound once when you hit minimum swing speed and then have a timer to reset it. I can look into that.

Thats a game alright! I wouldn’t really consider my gun models as production worthy though…lol.

I just upgraded my project to 4.16 and I’m getting the following error in the BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm. Do you know why and how I can fix it?



I’m not sure how others feel, but I think WeaponMaster VR is pretty complete as a foundation, and any additional features should be sold as an additional pack so the company can be compensated for its time. I can only imagine how much work it takes to add something and make it compatible with so many blueprints. Here’s some additional ideas I have for add-on packs: 1.) Making the hands visible and orientating them to hold the weapons and mags. 2.) Weapon Packs that include some defensive weapons like a transparent Sci-Fi shield or energy barrier. For example, https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1b/88/82/1b8882d4067eb535620f5593b931e2d5--master-chief-us-military.jpg .3.) Weapon Packs that would include a smart-targeting throwing weapon that automatically targets enemies sorta like the batarang in Arkham VR. Remember the movie Elysium? The villain Kruger threw 5 or 6 items in the air that all targeted a single enemy, attached to different body parts, and exploded. 4.) Grenades :smiley: I’m not sure about the strain it could cause on the GPU or CPU, but I could have a lot of fun with that one 5.) Giant machine guns that have to be mounted to the floor somewhere and pack a huge punch 6.) Big weapons like rocket launchers, grenade launchers, gravity guns. 7.) Packs that include the extra logic and instructions needed to make this system compatible with other items in the Marketplace such as the Gore Dismemberment Pack. 8.) The ability to hold a gun in each hand (dual-wield). This was just my brain dump, and sorry for rambling. I just love this system so much, and I want it to do well. The feature I want the most, however, is the first one :wink: