Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Weapon Master VR is a platform for all things weapons and I wont be charging extra for updates until I feel we have covered all the weapon types (IE. breach loaders, revolvers, bolt action, etc.). What we WILL be selling separately are Premium Weapons, items and even AI characters that use Weapon Master VR features and are game ready. So if you want to further support us please purchase those when we make them available. In many ways WM VR is a vehicle for the sale of our 3d assets and animations.

The examples guns that come with weapon master vr are in no way “Game Ready” IMO, mostly because I am a **** modeler :P. We have an actual artist working on weapons right now but it may take a bit. The first gun we will offer for free as an example of the quality. It will be an MP5.

After the MP5 premium weapon packs will include:

  • Generally 3 AAA quality game ready weapons (probably in a theme)
  • Mags and bullets for each gun
  • Weapon animations
  • Right and left hand animations for weapon manipulations
  • All substance painter and source files for editing
  • WM Ready gun with sockets already set up

These premium weapons will be usable outside of WM as well (just like other weapons).

(the artist) and I are massive gun enthusiasts. So expect to see our weapon packs be made up of guns that nobody else seems to be doing 3d models of with some crazy attention to detail.

The packs we have in the pipeline will go in this order:

  1. Pistol Pack
  2. AR Pack
  3. SMG pack
  4. Battle Rifle Pack
  5. Shotgun Pack
  6. Sniper Pack
  7. WW2 Pack
  8. Sci-Fi Pack

Outside of those we plan on releasing (in no particular order).

  1. Attachment pack
  2. VR Hands pack
  3. Premium Zombie pack 1 (upgraded test zombie)
  4. Zombie pack 2 (different zombie)

As to your suggestions

  1. I planned to do that for 1.1 but it may fall to 1.2. All of our premium packs will come with hand animations for both hands.
  2. I will make a shield example for 1.2 or 1.3. We have a sci-fi pack planned for way out there but it will take a while to get there.
  3. I may add something like this when I get to thrown weapons in 1.3 or 1.4.
  4. Grenades might show up in 1.2 if I have time.
  5. This is a 1.4 thing. I want to do both mounted and belt fed machine guns. In fact belt fed will likely be the last gun type I create for WM.
  6. 1.2 will have grenade launchers, 1.3 will have rocket launchers.
  7. This stuff I will get to in time. The problem is WM is still heavily in dev and any integration I do will get broken by the time the next update comes out. I will to massive integration work once everything is finished but that could take a year or so.
  8. Dual wielding is returning in 1.1 with arcade mode (think space pirate trainer mode)

Ill get you a fix for this when I get home. Its super easy but I completely forgot about it :P.

1 Some kind of climbing system. Some games like Pavlov have a system where you can climb up ladders using the motion controllers so I’m sure there would be a lot of support for that.

2 Door and drawer BP’s where you can easily swap out your own meshes. There is a great VR intereractable physic objects project over at Here that is based off the Unreal VR template like this but doesn’t work with yours for some reason. It should be easy for someone with better coding skills than myself to integrate or maybe it would be easier for you to make your own. BTW if anyone has managed to get it working with this pack please post here how you did it.

If I think of more I’ll post them here.

Ok the fix is to change PBO Disable to PBO None in the Phys Body Option. The reason for the error is that those bones don’t have a Physics body to disable.

  1. I will look into this but it likely wont be in the next two updates unless I find time.

  2. Drawers and doors are coming. I want to do interactions in 1.2 update.

Hey everyone, just wanted drop in a let yall know that starting next tuesday I will be doing weekly twitch dev streams from 2pm-5pm CST. Tune in to ask questions, watch development, or just hang out while I work on WM VR.

The plan is to do this every tuesday and on select thursdays as well.

Just a reminder that we will be having a live stream tomorrow herehttps://www.twitch.tv/redfoxx777

hey you guys are awesome love the kit however any idea when oculus rift support will be implemented

Version 1.1 will have OR support. We hopefully will have it out soon.

Thanks to everyone that stopped by the stream today! I think we have the new magazine system in a good place now! Just need to test A LOT :P. We wont be having a stream this Thursday because I will be out of town but I will start them up again next Tuesday!

So, we have now sold over 60 copies of Weapon Master VR. I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your patronage, and I hope you like the future changes and updates to the asset. It is both a little scary and super exciting to have so many people using our work to make awesome games. I do need to humbly ask that if you have purchased on itch, or MP, to please leave a brief comment or rating on our MP page about your experience with WMVR. It helps other customers decide if this is a good asset for them or not.

I am still working on getting vouchers for the itch purchasers that want them btw.

I’m having issues with trying to import a sniper rifle into the game using your tutorials. Everything works fine up until the point in the third tutorial where I have to use the BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm. 1st the bolt is out of place and I don’t know why. As you can see in the first picture it imported fine. The second issue is the rifle is off by 90 degrees when I pick it up. Well import it back in at -90 and do the same for the bolt so it lines up you might not have said. Well I tried that and now the bolt goes sideways instead of back. Do you have any idea why this might be happening.

Don’t reimport at -90. Go back to zero and adjust the weapons rotation in the held rotation variable. Is your SlideSocket in the correct position and you have it named correctly in BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm? Can I see your weapon’s skeleton and socket setup? I think your bolt is defaulting to zero because either that is where the socket is or the socket’s name doesn’t match the string in BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm for slide socket.

edit. That is a very nice looking gun btw. Did you model it?

BTW, yall may have noticed the tutorials stopped, well that is because I am changing some things with 1.1 and I don’t want to put out tuts for things that are about to be obsolete. The biggest changes are in how magazines work and need to be setup, as well as the role physical bullets play in the new ammo system. More about this as we get closer to 1.1 launch.

I wish I was that good lol no it’s one of ChamferZone’s models the Sako 85 https://chamferzone.com/3d-shop/

That did work making sure the sockets were correctly named. The only issue I’m having now is with the scope and the mag. I can’t pick either of them up and the scope camera isn’t working. I’m sure its something simple I’m missing. Here are the screens. Something might stand out to you that I’m doing wrong.



Both will need physics bodies to pick them up. Is the scope is a duplicated version of my acog? If so you will need to set up the right material for it to work right.

As for the mag have you duplicated one of the premade ones and replaced the mesh with your own?

Sorry, i am on vacation right now (no comp) so i wont be able to help much until monday.

If you want to i can go over your issues on the live twitch stream on tuesday. Might be easier that way. Its hard for me to find the issue looking at pics.

I created the BP from the master but when I created a child of the mag BP I was able to get it somewhat working. Its still not loading into the gun but since you will be changing how that works in the next update I might as well wait until then.

The mag loading isn’t changing, just how bullets work in magazines and guns. Make sure the magloadvolume is connected to the correct socket. I will go over this on the the stream on tuesday. If you cannot make it I will link the video with a time stamp so you can view it.

Has anyone who upgraded to 4.16 had problems picking up weapons and mags?

I am going to be uploading a 4.16 version today if everything goes well. This isn’t 1.1 though, just a 4.16 compatible version of 1.0.2.

4.16 build is up on for those that want it.

Thanks, I’m based in Ireland so I think your streams are the middle of the night for me. Also what date do you think 1.1 might be out?