Weapon Master VR Support Thread

I have been trying to add new melee weapons but everytime i do the character cant pick them up in the map… Is there a video on how to implement new melee weapons?

  1. Duplicate the knife or the sword and rename to your weapons name.
  2. Change the Mesh to your weapons mesh
  3. Make sure your weapon has the correct sockets and are named correctly (look at the knife for an example of what sockets are needed and how they should be named.
  4. Make sure your weapon has a physics body assigned to it and it is active (very important).

Some reasons you might be having issues

  1. Your weapon is not a skeletal mesh (it needs at least one bone)
  2. You don’t have a physics body assigned
  3. The physics body is set to collision only or off.

Gotcha, I will talk about it on stream and link the video to you.

1.1 is coming along nicely, I hope to have it out next week but that depends on when our Oculus Rift gets here and how testing goes. Testing always takes longer than I predict because of new bugs :(.

Anyone know how long it usually takes Epic to do Updates?

BTW, I had some work stuff come up and I will not be streaming today. Gonna make up for it by streaming work on sunday.

Just so yall know we have not received our Oculus Rift + touch yet (its coming though). We will not be releasing 1.1 until we get to completely test with Oculus Hardware.

sweet glad to see you guys are serious about keeping your supporters updated look forward to the update this asset is awesome

Anyone know how to save weapons that are currently in the characters hands or holsters when you open a new level?

Saving and loading is coming in 1.1. I am actually working on it right now!

Oh awesome that will work! When is your projected release date? I am also having trouble using my own character for your basic AI system and I can get the new character to come towards the player but wont deal any damage.

Replicated zombies with own assets, no damage to the player

I can kill the zombies with every weapon. They can’t do damage to me. All the blueprints give the zombies base damage 40 and I didn’t change the player at all. The zombie run up to me, can do their attack montage, but no damage is done to the player. Also, i have no idea why you made a rig blueprint or where you even use it. I made one as well, but don’t know what to do with it.

same dude, I can’t figure it out for the life of me

This is not working for me. I have a physics body assigned to the sword but what do you mean by to make sure “it is active” I have never heard that terminology in the two years I have been using unreal and nothing comes up in a google search so I’m guessing this is your own terminology and you could just mean to make sure that the physics body works but I have to check the meaning of anything I’m unsure of because its not working for me.

You also say “The physics body is set to collision only or off.” do you mean in the collision BP itself because if that’s the case then I copied yours so that’s not the issue. OK so with that out of the way let me tell you what the issue is.

So I copied your sword BP and replaced it with my mesh. The sockets are named correctly and the hit mesh lines up and I can pick it up but it causes no damage. I tried replacing your mesh with mine in the original BP and it still dealt no damage so its definitely something wrong with my mesh. I checked my physics body and skeletal mesh compared to yours and I can’t see where I am going wrong. Bar a physics body being active means something completely different to what I think it means maybe you can see where I am going wrong.

Monday during the stream I will go over the AI and it’s settings so I can figure out what is wrong. If you cannot watch the stream I will link the video once it is over so you can see it.

Same as above. The zombies do damage from a cast. It’s possible something is off with that on your zombie. I will go over on the stream tomorrow.

Active was not the right word. I meant that it was enabled and selected as the pbo for that mesh.

Since this seems an issue I will do a complete melee weapon tomorrow on the stream. That should clear things up

Epic got back to me, those of you who purchased from and want a MP copy need to msg me the email address you used to purchase on and the email address associated with your epic account. I will then give them the list and they will add WM to your account.

Please DO NOT post your information in this thread.


Hey so I just completed all this myself and mine works, when you set up your rig make sure your weight paint is all the way red if it isn’t already. Also make sure you clicked the collision on box up there. Also it looks like you are missing something in your hierarchy there, take another look at his example. I use blender my knife looks like this in blender.

Thanks but I didn’t model the swords myself. I bought a pack from the marketplace so I just used the bones they did. As long as the socket names are correct and you have a physics body for the skeleton then it should work. As with all things Unreal its probably a small thing that I missed and hopefully I should see where I went wrong when I see the stream. Thanks anyway.

You should not need to weight paint at all, as long as the blade is parented to a bone it should be ok. Meshes parented to a bone move with that bone for those not familiar with rigging. Weight painting is generally only needed when you want something to deform (like a character).

I am kinda confused as to why weight painting helped you get stuff to work, unless this is a blender to unreal issue. It might be just that now that I think about it. Maybe you have to weight paint if you are coming from blender? I know absolutely zero about blender’s rigging system. I tried using it and it was completely different than maya.
@Starkium are you pretty familiar with blender rigging? Can you not parent in blender like you can in maya? That would explain your initial issue.

If the trace socket isn’t rotated correctly you will not hit where you are supposed to hit. This might be why you are not seeing damage when you swing.

I’m familiar with both maya and blender and they rig pretty much the same except for semantics. I weighted the blade because the one he used in the example was also weighted this way. BTW just because you buy an asset from the store doesn’t mean it’s set up the way you want. I have a full library of assets and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve needed to correct modeling mistakes from the author. SO MANY TIMES I’ve found holes in faces or flipped uv’s and dumb simple stuff.

BTW for people who can’t get their melee ai to do damage, it’s because you need to put notifies in the animation montage at the points where they need to cast attacks. I was on stream with the dev and he walked me through it.

is there a link to the video on how to do get it working