Weapon Master VR Support Thread

I believe melee weapons are the first thing I do here.

That is the video from today. I also go over ai twice :p.

Thanks for the video very helpful! I am now having the problem of I cant kill the new AI that I implemented with a melee weapon IE the great sword that already comes with your pack. I did the debug trace. Its coming in contact with the new AI but is not dealing any damage. Any Idea why this is happening?

Are you using a capsule or skeletal mesh pbo for hit detection?

Is this AI based on our example?

Make sure you have whatever needs to be hit set to physicsbody for its collision channel.

I am going to be working late today so no Dev stream. I will be checking here off and on if peeps have questions. The next devs stream will likely be thursday for those interested. This work week is turning out to be a real headache. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks that was it exactly. The Y axis was reversed. Lets hope I can go one week at least without bugging you for your help again lol. Give some others a chance for your time.

Ha! Don’t worry about it. Glad you got it fixed.

I checked everything is set to physicsbody. All I did is replace your mesh with my own mesh and just made a new anim blueprint like how you did in the video. Yes this is the AI from your example just with my own mesh. I am not sure what you mean by capsule or skeletal mesh pbo for hit detection. Is that something I need to set in the child blueprint of melee_ai?

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property Parent from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_BP_MeleeWeapon’ from node: Apply Point Damage in graph: EventGraph in object: BP_MeleeWeapon with description: Accessed None trying to read property Parent

thats the compiler error I am getting when I do melee attack to the AI.

Hmm, I will look into this when I get home from work. Is your melee weapon a child of BP_MeleeWeapon or a duplicate?

Has anyone else had this issue? Might be a bug.

I am using the Great Sword that is a child class of BP_MeleeWeapon.
Its all good thank you very much for your help! Sorry I know I have asked alot of questions! I came from working in the AAA industry and we never used blueprints it was all c++ so I am still trying to learn the ends and outs of blueprints!

The weird thing is that error should only pop up if the weapon deals damage and is not in your hand (as in being thrown), which is a bug. Have you turned on the visible capsule traces to see if it is at least doing that. I am going to fix the bug in 1.1 so thrown weapons do damage but I am not sure why it would give you that error if it is in your hand. Basically what is happening is that when I pass damage to the AI I pass the weapons Parent(aka the player) for future damage logs or kill logs. For whatever reason your sword isn’t getting its parent set when your grab it? Does this error happen with the my great sword and knife or just with your weapon?

I took a blank weapon masters project and only changed the skeleton mesh for the AI and made a new Animation Blueprint for that new skeleton mesh that is mine. Then tried to do melee damage with the great sword. I haven’t added anything of mine to the project besides the mesh and the animation blueprint. I have turned on the visible capsule trace and it is coming in contact with the AI but is not dealing any damage. I am using the survival character for the main player. Would you like screen shots or a video showing what is happening? The code dosent pop up every time just every now and then.

I have posted a youtube video you can check out and see if that helps any.

And the second video is with the trace on so you can see what its coming in contact with.

If we still cant get this fixed and you have the time I can always just send you a copy of the project if need be.

You have several different meshes for your rifle in the project. I noticed that some are separate pieces and some are assembled. Does this imply I can set up a gun with just pieces, because that would be significantly easier. I did this when I was using VR Gun toolkit and not only was it a simpler process, it seems there were a lot less bugs.

So for example if I were to clone your BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm and replace the meshes with my low poly pieces would that work?

I also want to point out that for some reason the project keeps changing the scale of my zombies. I think I saw somewhere in a blueprint that we manually set something like that, but I can’t remember which one. In the wander, easy-hard, and melee classes I set it’s scale, but the easy blueprint keeps getting reset.

There are two different types of guns. Simple that are all one mesh and physical magazine weapons that are broken up into body, bolt, slide and mag.

Don’t clone BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm make a child of it. In fact don’t clone/duplicate any of the classes in the base folder. Instead always make children or duplicate an already made child.

You may already know this but I just want to be clear.

Pm me a Dropbox link and I will take a look. Will be the fastest way to get this resolved :).

Are you aware your laser pointer is casting a shadow? It’s very invasive and in your face. I can’t seem to change the options for it’s shadows though. What would have been better is a repeated texture instead of the mesh.

Laser pointer?

Heads up, save game is getting close to being done, will finish loading next. We should get our Oculus stuff in this week too. Hope to have a video on showing off Oculus support and save/loading friday! Due to the time its taking to get save and loading done (its way more work than I planned for) a few things are getting pushed back to 1.2.

Also, I have decided that in the near future BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm is going to become BP_AdvancedFirearm and all gun related stuff (including the upcoming revolver and breach loader logic) will be handled in one big class. This will make a lot of external stuff simpler in the future and aid in making multiplayer easier to implement.