Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Sounds good thank you very for taking the time to have a look! Much appreciated ! Ill drop a link in your inbox.

The laser that shows up for the menu system

its the draw debug function under interaction widget in your vr character blueprint.

no matter how I try to activate it, it only shows up when I toggle the menu button. Also, which one of your tut videos goes over the BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm so I can set this up properly?

How long for the oculus version? Iam hanging in a loop until release :frowning:

Maybe Beta access for customer ?

We just got our Oculus Rift in so its going to be a few days before we have everything set up. I’ll see what I can do when that happens.

We just got our rift in so it will be a bit for us to get everything added in and tested. I hope to have it in this week but save/load is taking forever.

As karnage mentioned its the draw debug function. I am not sure why it casts a shadow at all. Are you sure you are not getting the debug VR bug that happens when you don’t use Antialiasing?

Dev stream is live!

So after the stream today I decided that this friday I am going to release version WM version 1.0.4. This will be a 4.17 version of WM with preliminary Oculus Rift Support.

1.1 is taking longer than expected so I do want to get yall Oculus support so those of you using it wont have to delay your work. It will be available on on Friday and MP whenever epic decides to update it.

These are going to be the initial controls for oculus touch support. Right is main hand and left is off hand

These are going to be optional controls I add in later (likely after 1.1). Right is main hand and left is off hand.

Are there any other differences from the 1.0.3 version? In other words is there any reason for Vive owners to update to this?

Awesome! Thank you for the oculus rift update. I purchased on do you update their too?

No. This is just for the people who need Oculus support sooner rather than later.

Yes I will always update there.

Hey I know your probably busy but just checking in to see if you had a chance to take a look at the test project?
Thanks for your time

Sorry, I am cramming to try and get this 4.17 update with oculus support out tomorrow. I will try and take a look at your issue either this evening or after I release 1.0.4 tomorrow.

Apparently 4.16 is out on MP now. So it looks like a two week wait time for when I send the update and when they put it up. Hopefully the 4.17 update is faster or MP peeps are looking at august 18thish for that dropping. :frowning: customers get the update tomorrow.

Man this is lame.

BTW I am going to be running a beta for 1.1 for customers (Epic doesn’t allow us to have “beta” versions). The beta will be an actual beta in that it will likely have bugs :P. I want to do this both to help us catch issues faster and to allow the yall to help guide development. If you are interested in helping the beta will likely be going up on in the next couple of weeks. The length of the beta before 1.1s actual release will depend on how many issues we find or other things that need to be fixed.

I am sorry that 1.1 is taking so long to get out. The save/load system has been a monster but I think it will be something that many of you will need/want so I had to put it in. A few things are going to be pushed back into 1.2 or in between 1.1 and 1.2; they are:

-Simple Firearm improvements (including Arcade mode).
-The logic for separate bullet types in one mag will be in but wont be completely finalized nor will there be an example for it
-The MP5 “Premium Weapon” is getting pushed back for launch likely between 1.1 and 1.2
-Scope revamp will happen after 1.1 and before 1.2
-Grenade launcher attachment is coming in 1.2 (as a breach loader)

So what does that leave us in 1.1?

Retooled BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm (Renamed BP_AdvancedFirearm
-performance improvements and
-new bolt logic including 3 bolt action types (Auto, Manual Straight, Manual Rotating).
-guns can now take multiple mag types and bullet types (so you can have regular, extended, or just mag classes in your game).
-stats that can be affected by attachments
-Secondary load (chambered load) for loading a single bullet into an open chamber.

-Mags can now be spawned empty and are populated with bullets on BeginPlay.
-Mags can now take multiple bullet types

-now holds the value for what actual bullet is fired by the gun
-an array of these is “Held” in the mag and then data is passed as a struct to the gun.
-eventually these will get attached to bones in the mag to make up the bullets in the mag (1.2)


  • This sets the fire sound and Muzzle flash of the weapon (if none on the gun the base will be used)

All attachments

  • can set VRecoil, HRecoil, Backwards Recoil amount, Min accuracy, Max Accuracy, and accuracy loss per shot

Save and Load

  • allow complete save of inventory and held weapons (both in hands and in holsters) along with their magazines, bullets, attachments, and stats.
  • Load everything that has been saved

-Bolt action rifle example
-New bullet meshes (9mm, 45, 556, 308)
-Bullet boxes (9mm, 45, 556, 308)
-Enhanced Oculus Rift controls

After 1.1 I am going to start releasing some smaller features between the major patches instead of trying to do everything at once.

Sounds Good Thank you!

Great! I cancel all my dates for the weekend so I can play with the asset :smiley: