Weapon Master VR Support Thread

First off, great work. First time I’m grasping a lot of things with the help of this Asset. Many thanks.

Followed your tutorial on the Physical Firearm creation/import… and all is good. However, the game I’m making atm only needs one gun and is based off your Survival Game Mode Blueprint… How can I get the Child Class I created to show up in the “Spawn in Hand” ? I actually tried editing the physical firearm main blueprint and broke everything for some reason. Trying again but, wondering if you would have a quick work around to have the Child Blueprints show up in the spawn settings for the Survival gamemode. Many thanks buddy.

I’m still having the hardest time setting up a physical riffle right now. I don’t understand why there is so much unnecessary inheritance going on. You should be able to set up your gun pretty much in the view port with drag-gable volumes like in VR gun toolkit. I suggest make one generalized example for each weapon type and you drag in all the pieces.

I’m working in blender and your videos aren’t helping me very much. At least put in the description what they cover in each video because now I have to watch almost two hours worth of stuff trying to figure what applies to just the physical riffle blueprint.

Which video covered this?

Iam refreshing constantly the website … :smiley: hope update is soon out.

After a lot of just messing around with blender and the ue4 importer I finally got my low poly ak47 working

Its out now!

I dont think I follow but let me try. You want to spawn something in the players hand at start up that is not a child of one of my weapons?

If so:

There are two pickup classes you should be extending on (ie making children of) if you want to do you own weapons. BP_SkeletalMeshPickup and BP_StaticMeshPickup. These are extremely basic pickup classes that have the grab functionality and can be spawned in the hand at startup. If you look at the magazine inheritance (or any “object”) they all inherit from BP_SkeletalMesh Pickup. If you want to roll with your own stuff just make a child of BP_SkeletalMeshPickup (given that the object has a skeleton) and then script away from there. Look at the can for an example of static mesh pickup. Bullets are good examples of SkeletalMeshPickup as well.

Not sure why inheritance is the problem?The heirarchy is set up the way it is because I love inheritance and it helped me simplify the setup process :P.

I am sorry you are having issues, if you would like to send me one of your weapons I can do a live twitch stream tutorial where I set it up completely. I could do that as early as monday if that would work.

You pretty much set up a weapon by duplicating an already made one (like the pistol) changing all the values and options you want. The biggest problem people seem to have is making sure your skeletal meshes have the right sockets and they are named correcly.

I have a new tutorial planned for after 1.1 where I go all the way through the setup process. The issue is the current version of BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm is changing quite a bit so any tutorial I do right now would be outdated in a couple weeks. That said I did do a couple of videos that talk about the proper setup of a weapon in maya (Rigging, setting up sockets, etc).

I will help anyway I can.

In case it got buried. 4.17 version with preliminary Touch support is out now on . I have sent the version to Epic as well and should show up on the MP in a week or so.

Hello, thank you for the oculus update, but it seems to be bugged. The asset does not start at all. Its hanging on initialzsation 45% since 2 hours now. I restarted a few times. Does not get over 45% on loading screen.

That’s almost certainly a UE problem. Working inside the editor alone can’t cause that.

Try removing the intermediate and saved folders. Even then give it a good five-ten minutes to get past its initialization process, as it’s usually a one-time thing.

Thank you that helped. Awesome Asset!!!

So you were able to get it to load? I had the same thing happen and I just waited for a bit and it finally loads.

Hi I discovered a bug when you migrate this over to a new 4.17 project it gives this weird error


I thought it might be something in my project so I started a clean 4.17 project and got the same errors. I’d be surprised if I was the 1st one to migrate this over to a 4.17 project so if you did can you post the fix here otherwise I will wait until OneShotGG see’s this post.

is this with the 4.17 version on ? I will look into this. I might need to patch it.

It is ya. To replicate the bug migrate the version 1.0.4 to a new 4.17 project and you should get the same error.

Oculus support is running great but I have some kind of camera lag that I cant get rid off. I tried other vr assets and unreal vr starter pack with no recognizable lag. I have 3 sensors and other games playing great but with this asset, its like every 2 seconds the tracking got delayed and when I turn head, its shuttering. Any idea what could this cause? Thank you

K, i will look into. To be clear you are migrating the downloaded project file to a clean brand 4.17 new project with a different name?

Its possible that the physics materials are not being migrated for some reason? That would be a weird engine error. I’ll give it a shot today and see what is up.

Hmm, there should be nothing in the project that messes with the headsets ability to track correctly. Could this be low performance? What scene are you seeing this in? If its the shooting range try removing the ACOG scopes from the map as they are big performance hogs. You could also turn off shadows and anti-aliasing or lower the render resolution. We need to find out if it is performance or not causing this.

I am going to begin doing tutorials every Monday. Usually I will try and do something one of you asks for help with but I have no requests I will just pick a topic I think would be good. Today I am going to go over creating simple grabable objects using BP_StaticMeshPickup and BP_SkeletalMeshPickup. I will also show how you can extend these into your own scripted assets.

Ya thats it exactly.

So I made child classes of your guns and clips and they don’t show up in the game settings when I want to change the starter weapon or whats being spawned in spawn volumes

I re parented them and it worked, so for future reference, the better route is to duplicate blueprints and not child them.