Weapon Master VR Support Thread

They dont show up in the drop down? If so you may have to select them in the browser and press the Left arrow next to the field. Sometimes saving and reloading the engine will make them show up in the list. Not sure why this happens, I bug reported it a while back and never heard anything. Usually after you manually add it through the content browser they show up forever.

Ahh gotcha, sorry I guess I wasnt clear. Make children of the base classes, duplicate already made children. Sorry I made it confusing :(.

Sorry narrowing down the issue. I made a clone by right clicking on the default 4.17 project and renamed it and did not get the errors you got. Gonna start looking into the migrate thing after the live stream.

Episode 1.1 of Weapon master basics can be found here


I’m setting up the bow here and I’m not sure where your anim blueprint is getting the additive layer track. The animation shows up fine, the bow rumbles when you pull it, but it won’t stretch the string or fire the arrow.

Hey everyone Figured Id Would Share A Game Play Testing Video Of My Current Game I am Working On. Check it out Thanks!!

[video]- YouTube

I got the adaptive layer in there, I found the key button lol. Still nothing though. Also after i made a cost spawner for a gun I try to fire the gun and the engine crashes. But it works fine with a regular spawner.

Cost spawners only work with the survival game mode right now (since the game mode holds the score amount). Were you using the survival game mode? Spawners in general need to be vastly expanded by me. They are in an extremely basic state. In 1.1 Score logic will be part of all game modes.

The bow is the next tutorial I am going to do. Are you using a particular bow from the asset store? The bow doesn’t really “Play” an animation. It scrubs back and forth through one using a value based on the distance between two invisible boxes. Are you using your own anim graph?

Really cool Karnage! One thing I would suggest is tilting the bows holster rotation up slightly so its not eye level. Also, it might be cool, if you have death anims for those vikings, to use the AIs ability to play a death anim and then ragdoll during the animation. Just thoughts. Great work!

I was in survival yeah and Idk what the problem was. I deleted it and remade the gun and it works perfectly now. I have my Bow set up from your skeleton with my own mesh and retargeted the animation. In the sequencer the bow animation plays fine, but nothing happens in game besides being able to pick it up, nock an arrow, and the rumble. The bow won’t pull back.

I’m also going to be adding buyable doors. Do you think I should duplicate the cost blueprint, but just play an anim of the door opening? How will this affect the zombie navigation?

Let’s say for example I were to take the door blueprint for the VR expansion and change the parent to your interaction object, what would I need to change here. I don’t need to use his grip interface obviously, but I do need to take into account the physics constraint of the door, how it pulls, and then extend it after so that it won’t do any of that till you’ve purchased it.

or perhaps I’d want to inherit from item spawner

OK I fixed the bow, just need to realign it so it’s aim is center


LOL, well, I still plan on doing a bow tutorial next monday :P.

Was it parented to actor in VR Expansion? If so, by parenting to interaction object, you can use all of the events found in BP_Interaction object. The ones you want are “Event Grab” and “Event Release Object”. I would set the doors Object type to “Object”.

You could start by replacing “On Child Grip” with “Event Grip” and “On Child Grip Release” With “Event Release Object” . In that screen I dont see where he is attaching the doors rotation to the hands position. If you can find out where that is you will likely want to pass the “Hand” variable to that logic.

Doors and drawers are on the ever growing list of things I want to add into Weapon Master VR.

Don’t spawn doors, or inherit from item spawner, I would just add cost into the door class above. So basically add a check when “Grab” is called to to see if there is enough points in the game mode to continue the grab event.

so it would go Grab -> branch that checks if the player has enough points -> if true subtract points logic -> door opening logic.

Or you could have the points “Unlock” the door so that it can be opened freely from that point on. Just copy an paste the cost logic from the Item Spawn class and create the needed variables in the door class.

As for navigation. You will have to dynamically update navigation if the door is to remain open or get an AI asset that is much smarter than mine. The current ai that I have in Weapon Master is too simple and wont recognize if a door is open or closed without dynamic navmesh updates.

For example, if you go the Nazi Zombies way and the obstruction disappears, you can just recalculate the navmesh at runtime and the AI will recognize this. I wouldn’t do this if the door can open and close though as the constant recalculations would kill performance. You would need a smarter AI.

I haven’t decided on the door functionality to nav mesh issue still, but I like your door summary there. You want the BP when I get it to work?

I’m also setting up a cost trap activation that will turn on a turret or whatever creative device I throw in there. Probably going to have it in two parts connected by a spline that you can move to where it’s needed. I’m gunna be adding a level generation system using dungeon architect so it’d be kind of cool to see what it makes.

Oh, nice. I really like the dungeon architect. Can’t wait to see what you come up with. I can’t use mordentrals work for doors but i would love to see how you do it. Will give me an idea of how we will implement doors.

I have a error “The current value(PBO_Disable) of the “PhysBdy Option” pin is invalid “PBO Disable” is not a valid enumerant of “EPhysBodyOp”” after switch 4.15 to 4.16! WHATS wrong?

Sure I’ll let you know, also I found that compiling a blueprint will bring it to the drop down list if it wasn’t in there when you looked.
@anonymous_user_8501219f I believe he addressed that issue when migrating into 4.16. Go to the error-ing nodes in there and select none if I remember correctly.

Go to the error and change physbdy option to PBO none I think is the fix. Or you can download the 4.16 version of weapon master which has that fix already implemented.