Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Heya guys, was interested in getting this plugin, but see it’s not on marketplace yet.

If I get the version, will that purchase transfer to the marketplace once that’s up, or should I wait for the marketplace version?

Get the version is my suggestion. Although it is a major plus, Epic’s quality control and team help make everything on the UE marketplace rock solid and well documented, but updates can take some time to go online.

By getting the version, you’ll have likely have sooner access to updates, but of course it will not show up in the Epic Games Launcher, as Epic and itch are two completely separate digital distributors.

Also, WM VR is not technically a plugin, which is what I think people like about it. Easy to bolt on other plugins or your own systems. Nice to learn from too, a lot of thought seems to of gone into it to make it easy to work with as a team.


I have had other devs tell me it is possible but since Epic isn’t responding to emails I haven’t been able to confirm.

Exactly, I actually wanted to provide as much as we could but also allow people to use their own stuff. The entire gun system is designed to work with other realistic bullet systems with just a little work and checking off a bool (for example).

Sounds good… is there an ETA on the marketplace version?

Currently no because epic hasn’t responded to emails for 2 weeks. Not sure what is going on. Thinking of starting a thread asking if anyone else is having trouble getting a hold of them.

Part 1 of the Magazine Firearm Tutorial (Maya)

sweet, just flipped through this. ill give it a shot in blender and i don’t blame you for doing it in maya, understandably learning a new program can be annoying and time consuming. good job though, and look forward to the next video :slight_smile:

I actually do most of my modeling in blender. I just have no clue how the armature stuff works. Like, I tried it and it was completely alien lol. I will go back and figure it out soon. One thing I forgot to do in the tutorial is zero out the bullet and shell bones before exporting. I will mention that I went back and did that in the next part. Life stuff has slowed down so I should be able to get part 2 out sooner.

Question: Is anyone planning to not upgrade to 4.16? I am not sure how it works with the MP but I was thinking that version 1.1 would be a 4.16 build for . I think there are some 4.16 features that I might be using (or maybe its 4.17?), anyways I want to try and add the ability to grab the zombies like they do in robo recall.

I know it says Multiplayer isn’t currently supported, but does that mean it’s not possible for me to do all that on my own? Or just that you haven’t messed around with it yet. Because I’m working on a multiplayer project so I’m willing to do all that myself and I’d love to use this as a basis… but I’d like to know if it’s even worth it to try .

I’m going straight to 4.16 for my project with WM VR. Since it is still relatively new I don’t think working to support 4.15 and 4.16 is necessarily important. I’d just go on to 4.16 already.


Just a little tip for everyone using this asset. As you can see you can’t hold the sight to close to your eyes as you will clip through the mesh.

This is because the near clip plane is set to the default 10.0 in project settings, general. Change it to 1.0 then close and restart your project.

You now can hold the sight as close as you want without clipping through. This is the same for all the firearms also. No more disappearing in half when you are aiming.

awesome tip! fixed a few issues for me :slight_smile:

Cheers mate, this really helped! :slight_smile:

so after a few minutes of trial and error i finally got my first melee weapon in. wanted to share a few things in case others are trying. after importing your skeletal mesh and creating a child blueprint from the melee weapon bp you want to double check all the collision presets. i was having a hell of a time trying to figure out why its not working until i saw that by default the hand is ignored. so you want to switch that to overlap. generate overlap events by default is also turned off, so be sure to check that box too. those were the 2 key issues i ran into with melee weapons, everything else worked rather great.
@OneShotGG i do have one request though. i see that you can enable/disable the hand. it would be nice if you could define a animation as well as set rotation and transform (like the weapon position and rotation). that way, at least for melee weapons, you could simply create the animation, select it in a drop down, and then adjust transform as needed. for firearms it would probably be a bit more complicated since you probably want different animations for different things. not sure if it be more efficient to handle that in the anim_bp instead of in the weapon_bp but if handled in weapon_bp you could set specific animations a lot easier.

@OneShotGG are you still planning on doing the tutorial to integrate with Mordentrals VRExpansion?

trying to setup my own characters to receive melee damage, what all do i need to transfer to my own characters for that to properly work?

Any idea why Custom Time Dilation is not working with this pack? I am trying to slow down the world around me but have the player still walk at a normal pace. I tried using a Custom Time Dilation but when I walk in VR time still slows down. I tried both get player character and get player pawn but none worked. Below are screens.

Edit: Just to be clear, I’m using artificial locomotion so push forward and you move forward back, sideways and so on. The problem is that when I slow down the time of the world the player also moves really slowly. You can still look around at normal speed but moving the pawn through the vr space becomes slow. I’m trying to keep the locomotion speed normal.

Hey everyone, I am back from my short Memorial Day vacation and diving back in to WM. I still have not heard back from Epic despite sending 3 emails so I have no idea what is going on. I am sick of waiting so as soon as this first big tutorial is done I am going to get started on 1.1 (I know you guys and gals are itching for some of those new features). I am really frustrated with the complete lack of communication about the MP release but hopefully it gets resolved soon. I will continue to keep you updated.

I know it says Multiplayer isn’t currently supported, but does that mean it’s not possible for me to do all that on my own? Or just that you haven’t messed around with it yet. Because I’m working on a multiplayer project so I’m willing to do all that myself and I’d love to use this as a basis… but I’d like to know if it’s even worth it to try .

There is nothing stopping you from making it multiplayer capable. Some day I hope to do just that but I have no time frame for it. WM is single player because it started life as just a portion of our single player game, which has now been expanded drastically.

Ok, should I do a 4.16 build of 1.0.2 or just wait for 1.1 for 4.16?

Wow, thank you so much for this tip, I will make this change default in the next version!

I would handle all animation in the anim_BP and we plan on doing exactly that in the near future. I wanted to have animated main hands with all weapons in 1.1 but that hinges on the time it takes me to create a hand rig and Collin to animate them.

Are you wanting to rotate the hand or just the weapon? There actually are rotation and location values for adjusting the weapon. Maybe I am misunderstanding?

@OneShotGG are you still planning on doing the tutorial to integrate with Mordentrals VRExpansion?

YES! Tuts take longer to do right than I thought (partially because I am a bad speaker :P) but I do want to do one.

You want to take damage from the zombie or from your own AI?

This could be due to a couple of things. I actually am not that familiar with UE4s time manipulation stuff I believe there could be an issue somewhere that I am using “Get world Delta seconds” when I shouldn’t. Or it could be an issue with passing values from the player character to the dummy mover. I am going to try and take a look at this and see what I can find out.

BTW, just so yall know, I do generally take weekends/holidays off but I will try to catch any missed comments on the day I am back in the office.

I’m having a bit of a problem figuring out the character movement. I have a climbing system I want to use but that uses the character movement reference that is in the pawn. See below screenshot. The VR pawn in your template doesn’t have one so how would I go about referencing the movement? Also how would I change things like player walking speed and adding a jump as I can’t find where the movement is coming from?