Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Ah, my bad. mentioned something about it, but I must have miss understood. That Tut would be great!

so i did what you said and transferred my project into weapon master, works now but it would be better to set it up and document it to show how to integrate it into a project. also how to setup your own weapon is another tutorial that will be needed since it seems its handled through rigging. hopefully you guys can put out a comprehensive video showing the full process start to finish.

Video Tutorials are coming this week and next. I am currently working on an overview of BP_VRCharacter/BP_VRCharacterHand. Are you planning on using basic Firearms or Magazine Firearms? Do you need me to show you how to add bones to a mesh? Are you using your own guns or something from the marketplace?

Just curious how yall want the tutorials to go.

No Step and TeleportOcclusion are collision types. You can set the collision type for all of your meshes. Walls should be set to No Step. In the first tutorial I go over this so tomorrow hopefully I will have you covered!

planning on using magazine firearms, using my own mesh. i’m trying to rig up a lee enfield bolt action rifle to be exact but i know you said you guys will bring bolt actions at a later point so thats fine. it would be great to see the full process, including creating bones or maybe have a template skeleton included in the files that the player can just export as fbx and load up, move the bones to the right spot, assign weighting and export it. explaining the parts of your skeleton setup would be great too since there are a few things that confused me when i exported the assault rifle. wasnt sure if some of the bones work together or not. pretty glad to hear you are already working on videos :slight_smile:

The skeletal setup is actually pretty simple. I can walk people through that. I guess the question is blender or maya? I could do a template skeleton but it would most likely look like the skeleton for the Magazine Firearm version of the pistol. Most of the stuff you see in the skeleton in UE4 are sockets which are needed to attach the various parts. The gun body only really needs a single bone unless you want to have parts move via animation like the trigger, or selector switches.

Bolt action firearms are coming in 1.1 and will be Magazine Firearms. In fact in 1.1 you will be getting a bolt action sniper rifle and an MP5 (Which also has a rotating charging handle).

i would do blender since its free but maybe thats just me :stuck_out_tongue: also, great to hear about the bolt action! can’t wait! will i be able to simply drag and drop 1.1 into my existing project and overwrite the old weaponmaster?

That’s a great news

How did you end up setting your project up? Its possible, I need to do some tests. I know the MP version works in a similar way. Using source control would be the best way but it kind of depends on how you set things up.

i migrated my existing project into weapon master project. i’m not editing any of the weapon master source files but instead creating child actors for the weapons etc. so in theory i should be able to overwrite the existing folder as things progress. that is the hope at least.

Yes that should work, if not we can figure something else out. You should be able to use source control, like git or mercurial as well.

First tutorial is out:

Overview of Weapon Master Character System. (50 min)

Next tutorial:
Magazine Firearm from scratch. (This one is gonna take me a bit so it will probably be available this weekend).

hopefully i can sit down tonight and watch that video in full. was playing with the dif. locomotion types. the “onward” one is really smooth with no motion sickness, great job on that!

Please tell me this is compatible to OCULUS Rift and Touch!!! If not, will you support it??? Its a awesome asset!

Hi, I just purchased the asset even if its not supporting Oculus yet to support you, and hopefully can you make it later compatible to oculus. Thank you!

No but we hope to be able to support it soon. We don’t actually have a rift with touch yet. I am thinking of adding in the touch controls for 1.1. I will have no way to test though.

Like i mentioned above in 1.1 I am going to add in the rift controls at the very least. I won’t be able to officially support it until we can get access to a headset to test.

great thank you!

Just wanted to drop yall a line and let you know what is up. Right now I am still working on the Magazine Firearm tutorial. This week has been kind of crazy so I got a little behind but it should be out soonish. I am going to be doing the rigging portion in Maya. For you Blender users I will go back later once I figure out how to rig in blender (seriously, why is it so different? I can’t make heads or tails of the blender rigging system). That said the theory behind rigging the weapons is the same and once you get your skeletal meshes into UE4 it should also have the same setup.

As far as the MP version, we still haven’t heard from epic going on 2 weeks now. I have sent emails but none have been answered. I am hoping they are just busy with their improvements. I will let you know when I hear more, believe me I am as frustrated as yall. Once Epic gives us the OK I will begin work on the 1.1 update that I know many of you are looking forward to.


I would be really interested in integrating the two as well. 's plugin for is fantastic for its custom pawn.
