Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Backpack is exactly what I had in mind. The entire inventory is getting an overhaul soon, but the one thing we have to think about in VR is holster space. In the future the white boxes are going to become actual meshes of various holsters which should free up some body space.

I guess my question is, how should the backpack work? I have and idea that it is just some thing you pull out (like the gallery) and stuff is just inside of it in sort of a free floating holster. I also want a quick holster spot for things like grenades. throwing knives, etc on the right upper chest. I do think that some sort of holster on the front of the person should hold non-weapon items. I could do something like using the bullet/mag inventory holster to also holster keys and then have Icons pop up around it showing what is in it. This is getting closer to a UI inventory though.

I agree, for immersion the holsters need to be physical. Maybe a pocket holster on the opposite side of the secondary holster that can take any item?

I have been getting a lot of requests for inventory stuff so it for sure is going to be one of the first systems we improve.

Actually, I think I might add in a “generic item” holster for 1.0.2, it’ll be circle instead of a square to help distinguish it from other holsters. I will also add the holster logic for BP_BasicStaticMeshPickup so things like keys, or cans of beans don’t have to be skeletal.

This should start us in the right direction.

You seem to be on the right track with your plans going forward for the inventory and holster side of things. A dedicated pocket holster for a misc item and once for a grenade makes sense.

Regarding the backpack inventory concept:
The Gallery’s idea regarding over the shoulder access of the backpack is good. Their execution with the shrinking of the items is kinda odd. Would a backpack on the Military/hunting scale be possible? Items could be kept in their proper 3d vr scale. The system could be slot based. A tall slot or two for additional unholstered large items i.e sniper rifle/sword/mini RPG. A few more slots for medium scale items i.e. knives, pistols, magic wands. Several slots for small scale items, i.e bandages, food, keys, ammo, additional grenades - gas, smoke, flashbang etc. Maybe this type of inventory system is what you mean by grid based- grid originally made me think of more traditional 2d ui.

any word on market release?

Just bought it on itch… I was too impatient to wait for the Marketplace release :stuck_out_tongue: It’s so much fun to play with! The inventory idea sounds brilliant. I’m looking forward to the future updates!

I wouldn’t shrink items and I would likely not allow items too big to go in. Like, I might add a size variable and everything has to be under a certain size to fit. Could also add a weight variable to limit the amount of items you can put in there. It would be adjustable for whatever backpack you want to use but yeah, we would probably use a military backpack.

Im out of town this weekend (ugh couples baby shower :frowning: ) but on monday I am sending the final version to epic. It has all the changes they wanted plus the updates since 1.0 and an in game options menu. I will do a video on the options menu on sunday. Its pretty basic but lets you change your main hand, locomotion method and other stuffs on the fly and saves it. When you play again it will load these settings. So yeah, the beginning of our saving and loading system is in 1.0.2 (MP Verison) as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

In game menu video. This is also the start of our saving and loading system :).

Just wanted to let yall know we are going to need 1 more day of bug testing to get 1.0.2 ready. It’ll be on itch tomorrow and MP soon.

Thanks for Info.

Hey everyone, you may notice that 1.0.2 is not out yet. We have run into a few bugs we were not expecting and it has gotten us behind. We are still working on it as I am typing this but it looks like it will be tomorrow before we can release. We apologize for the wait, we just don’t want to send out something before we catch as much as we can.



OK Hope for tommorow :slight_smile:

Weapon Master VR 1.0.2 is up on .

I should be posting patch notes here pretty soon. Gotta eat though :P.

Version 1.0.2

Bug Fixes:
-Firearms will no longer continue firing after being dropped.
-You can no longer have two ironsights on simple weapons. (Cuz that is OP!)
-Collision channels streamlined and re-purposed.
-Fixed bug where the arc of the teleport would disappear
-Melee weapons should more reliably do damage when stabbing

New Features

-In game Menu (BP_InGameMenu): press menu button on your off hand to open the menu. You can set Movement mode, Main Hand, Show FPS, Double Tap To Drop, and Dynamic Main Hand in the menu.
-The In Game Menu saves your options and loads them every time you start playing.
-Knife melee weapon added
-AI Can now support death animations and turn off Ragdoll.

New Level
-New Tutorial level added with some explanation of the features of weapon master vr.

-Due to problems with epic’s teleportation and our zombie level I have further expanded upon the teleportation logic. If you want to use epic’s navigation based teleportation in its stock state you need to set bUseOriginalTeleportation to true in the Movement section of BP_VRCharacter variables.

-New functions: LoadVariables, SaveVariables, SetVariables, StartInGameMenu, StopInGameMenu
-New Variable: bUseOriginalTeleportation- Set to true to use default epic’s teleportation.

-Melee weapons can now have two grip rotations.
-Melee weapons can now be holstered.
-New Variables: bUseSecondaryHold, SecondaryHoldTransform, Holster Sound
-New Functions: AttachToHolster, DetachFromHolster, SwapHoldType

-new bool variables that will help you handle characters dying with animations
-bUseDeathAnimation: true if you want to use a death animation
-bUseRagdollDuringDeathAnimation: true if you want to use a ragdoll at some point in the death animation. Note: You will have to call PointDamageRagdoll, or RadialDamageRagdoll, events from notifies in your animation to get this to work right.
-bApplyImpulseOnDeath: Whether or not you want to apply force on a character upon death.

New Blueprints
-BP_Console: Used for setting up the demo room consoles.
-BP_InGameMenu: In conjunction with new Wiget Blueprint WB_InGameMenu the in game menu functions!
-BP_WMSave: Save state blueprint used for saving and loading options in the menu.
-Struct_PlayerOptions: Easy way to organize options for passing to other blueprints.

Other Changes
At metric ton of work has gone into commenting and organizing weapon master for sale on the Market Place. Everything should follow a fairly obvious naming scheme which should be great for those of you using source control!

I was told this project integrated the vr expansion plugin, just wanted to make sure that was still true? I would like to keep all of the plugin functionality for game if possible when I get it going.

finally went ahead and grabbed it off itch. gonna give this a go :slight_smile:

EDIT: this thing is awesome! had great fun toying with it but having issues implementing it into my own project. i exported the input setup which eliminated my first issue but i am unable to interact with any of the objects. i simply imported the input presets, dropped the weaponmaster folder into my content folder. trying to sort out what else i need to do to get it working in my own project, any insight?

EDIT 2: so yeah after toying with it for a while i cant get it to work in my own project. really hope somebody can help me out here on how to implement it into an existing project.

How i can make BlockingVolume for your Teleport Version?

The Normal BlockingVolume i can step up on the Volume!

Here are some pointers. Set walls, desks, or other static stuff in the world to Collision object type NoStep. If you need to block just the teleportation set the blocking volume to TeleportOcclusion.

The difference is that TeleportOcclusion wont stop bullets but NoStep will. Both will keep you from teleporting onto them, or from the ground detection from popping your character on top. I am not sure if people have noticed but you have the ability to physically walk up steps or ramps.

The teleportation in Weapon master treats WoldStatic and World Dynamic as “Ground”.

Monday I will have a tutorial about the BP_VRCharacter and locomotion stuff which will cover my version of Epic’s teleportation.

Hey I would really like to help you get this figured out. Have you tried to migrate your project into weapon master or vise versa using the migrate command? One of the big things with weapon master is that it needs the collision object types that I set or it will not work. So that may be a problem with what you are doing.

One thing you could do is clone Weapon Master and give it a new name (whatever you game is) then migrate your project into that. Out of curiousity what blueprint scripting from your project do you have?

I think we can figure this out.

Who told you it integrates with it?

It does not integrate out of the box, it is built on top of Epics VR Template though. That said, I have mentioned before that I will make a video tutorial showing how to integrate the two in the near future, but that will mostly be for its locomotion and climbing. The VR Expansion plugin’ grip methods are completely different from mine and you would basically have to rewrite Weapon Master to work with them. There is no way I could release Weapon Master if there was direct integration with VR Expansion Plugin, because that is Mitch’s thing.

This week is going to see a few tutorials come out. I will try and sneak that one it but it may be a while. Its going to be a long tutorial with lots of blueprint changing.

“Step up on” have to No but i dont work i can step up!

TeleportOcclusion? where i can find this Option?

hey thanks for the reply and sorry for my lateness getting back to you. another project came crushing down with a deadline :stuck_out_tongue: hoping to try around some more tomorrow but as far as my blueprints go, mainly AI stuff but i can probably figure something out. i do appreciate your help though, so by all means, is there a discord or something where i can reach you? really love this so far and am def. willing to work things out to get it working properly.