Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Networking is currently not in but is planned for the future. I don’t have a timeline for it so I won’t make any date promises.

Weapon Master started a year ago as our single player game’s weapon system. We then decided to turn it into a market place asset on the promise that it would not completely take over game development. Network features are of lower priority than filling out weapon types and adding in needed features for us right now. Once we have something that feels complete we will add in network support.

I know this may be a deal breaker for some, and lose us sales, but I don’t want to promise something you may be waiting a while for. When it comes, it will do so in a 2.0 type update.

Finished changing Weapon Master to extend from Epics VR Template today. Basic teleportation works great and I didn’t have to touch motioncontrollerpawn or BP_Motioncontroller in the process, so your custom versions of those should integrate easily. We will be bug testing tomorrow and then I hope releasing 1.0.1 on on thursday or friday. We should have a video showcasing the changes tomorrow as well.

Keen to test it!

You’re selling Weapon Master VR on this weekend? Can’t wait to grab it. Happy Easter weekend!

Its available now.

Though I would wait until tomorrow because our 1.0.1 patch will be out and it is changing a lot of stuff for the better.

Oh, speaking of, guys and gals 1.0.1 will be out tomorrow on . I will post the patch notes here when it is uploaded. I can’t wait to get your feedback on all the changes and improvements.


Weapon Master VR 1.0.1 out now on https://heavydieselsoftworks./weapon-master-vr

Overview Video

Weapon Master VR 1.0.1 Patch Notes

-Now extends from motioncontrollerpawn in Epic VR Template
-Now has 4 movement modes (Teleport, Simple Move, Directional Move, Directional Teleport)
-Supports Left and Right handedness
-Main Hand variable sets what the main hand is. Main hands are defined as the hands that can hold weapons that use the trackpad. Off hands are hands that can do movement.
-bUseDynamicMainHand will allow the player to dynamically change which hand is the main hand based on what hand they pick up a weapon with. Note: This feature currently doesn’t work when unholstering but will in 1.0.2.
-MovementModes array is where you set the desired movement modes for the character. MovementMode variable is the starting mode and the current mode.
-All button logic is passed onto the VR_CharacterHand blueprint to handle (Two of these are spawned at begin play).
-VR_Character overrides motioncontrollerpawn’s begin play but sets things up almost identically.
-Player data hand now dynamically attaches itself to the current off hand.
-New Functions: InitializeUI, SetPlayerDataHand, ChangeMovementMode, InitializeMovementMode, SetMainHand, GetOffHand.
-New Variables: RightHand, LeftHand, MovementMode, MovementModes, MainHand, bUseDynamicMainHand, DoubleButtonToDrop, PlayerDataLeftHandAdjustTransform, PlayerDataRighthandAdjustTransform, 9mm_Ammo, Max9mm_Ammo, 762x39_Ammo, Max762x39_Ammo, 50cal_Ammo, Max50cal_Ammo, 40cal_Ammo, Max40cal_Ammo, 338L_Ammo, Max338L_Ammo, 300B_Ammo, Max300B_Ammo, 38_Ammo, Max38_Ammo

-Extends from BP_MotionController
-Handles all input calls to weapon master objects and VR_Template Objects
-Overrides GrabActor, ReleaseActor functions of BP_MotionController
-Overrides ActivateTeleportation function of BP_MotionController
-Uses its own Rumble Functions that are based on the functions in BP_MotionController.
Two of these are spawned on Begin Play
-Weapons you pick up are attached to the scene component Attach Point.
-Trigger is now the pickup button **Note: In the future I will add the option to have grab be the pickup button again.
BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm and BP_SimpleFirearm
-Simplified stabilization logic that now should keep from unwanted stabilization events being called.
-Added in an AttachmentMode (Main hand menu button) that will allow you to remove attachments. Note: Attachments cannot be removed if attachment mode is not on.
-SideAttachment Illumination On/Off is now triggered by the right track pad button on the main hand.
-Added in a lot of rumble events. Please tell me if you like them or not.
-New Functions: CheckForAttachment, SetAttachmentZoneVisibility, ShowAllAttachmentZones
-New Variables: bDetatchmentModeOn, HandInteractionIntensity, HandInteractionDuration, WeaponInteractionIntensity, WeaponInteractionDuration, WeaponFireIntensity,WeaponFireDuration,WeaponReloadIntensity, WeaponReloadDuration.

-Attached to hand event logic simplified
-New Function: CheckOppositeHandForWeapon

-Rumble added to the bow string
-New Event: Rumble Timer
-New Variables: MaxPullIntensity, FireIntensity, FireDuration, MaxPullDuration.

BP_MeleeAI_Character (Name Changed)
-under AI Setup Variable Group Added AIMesh and AI_AnimBlueprint variables. Note: These are part of an engine bug workaround that deletes mesh variables every time the engine is started. Hopefully this is fixed soon and this workaround can be removed.
-Set AIMesh to the desired mesh for AI
-Set AI_AnimBlueprint to the desired animation blueprint for the AI

-In order to get teleport to work correctly I had to bypass the navmesh part of the Trace Teleport Distance Function and set the return value bool to return node success.
-Create downward vector set to -2000 instead of -200 to properly find floor when hitting a wall
-Both changes are easily reverted, if you need to know how please ask.

Version 1.0.2 is up next, and will include some cleanup that epic wants us to do before market place release along with a few new features, and whatever fixes come up. I will talk about this more in the near future. Tutorials will also start to pop up on our youtube channel over the next week so stay tuned. Please remember to give as much feedback as possible!

After 1.0.2 is finished, and Epic accepts it, we will start on the big 1.1 update that will include new features including bolt action weapons, advanced scopes, red dot sights, more attachments, attachments affecting weapon stats, simple firearm improvements and more.

question, if i buy this on itch does it get linked to my unreal account once released on the market? or should i hold off until its on the market?

On itch I get your account email addresses so we should be able to pass out vouchers for the unreal engine version when it goes live. I believe antidamage mentioned it before and he is a marketplace seller. You might want to wait on confirmation of that though. I have sent an email to epic but it usually takes a week for them to get back to us.

I am going to send out MP keys or what-have-you to all buyers once it goes live on MP.

ah ok sweet, let me know once this is confirmed for sure. would certainly grab it off itch if thats the case :slight_smile:

Nice update love the cleaned up version, more easy to read.I would like to ask your opinion about how would you advice to go about and integrate it to ones project?Easyer to build on top of your project but then updating it would set you back to the begining.Or try to copy piece by piece?

1.0.2 is going to be even cleaner with a ton more comments!

As for integration, have you tried migrating your project in or vice versa? Weapon master needs the saved collision data and button mappings. Im not sure if that stuff trsnsfers with migration.

Unfortunately wm is a template style asset. It had to be to get the features we wanted. There are months worth of updates we have planned too. Which means updating every few weeks. You could use source control, like git or mercurial maybe?

When the MP version comes out it should help with updating.

Just wanted to check in, 1.0.2 is going along well and should be done this weekend.

Here is a sneak peak at a new weapon coming in 1.0.2.


Get ready to face stab some zombies!

Looks great! I can’t wait till this hits the Marketplace :slight_smile:

1.0.2 is the version that epic wants for release (IE. It has all the changes they asked us to make along with our own improvements), so it wont be long now. :slight_smile:

Another heads up guys and gals, I am not sure if this will make into into the initial MP release but we are planning to add in accurately scaled bullet and bullet box meshes for yall to use in your games. At first it will just be 9mm, 45, 556, and 308, but as we add new guns that use new calibers we will add new bullet meshes and boxes. The boxes will look something like the ones you can find on the shelves of your local gun shops. Update 1.1 will include the ability to mix and match different bullets of the same caliber in the same magazine so we will have meshes for those as well. An example would be having 9mm, 9mm Subsonic and 9mm Hollow Point all in one magazine that fire in the correct order. Obviously this will be coming with an inventory overhaul that many have been asking us for.

Suppressors in 1.1 are going to work like they do in the real world. Meaning, they will only actually be silent(ish) if your are firing subsonic ammunition through them. If you fire supersonic ammunition then the fire sound will be suppressed but the sound of the bullet breaking the sound barrier will still be audible.

We are currently in final testing for 1.0.2 and I will release it on itch as soon as we feel it is solid, then it goes to Epic for the final okay by them.

Please use the original locomotionpawn in next Version your copy of this is not gameready

and it is possible update from 101 to 102 or i Need new projekt?

I will add an option to bypass the change I made in BP_MotionController which should fix your issue. The reason I changed it is because Epic’s Teleport doesn’t work well with buildings with upper levels.

Here is a quick look at the Knife and new melee logic.

Cool, btw any chance for tutorial showing how to add new object types to be holsterable and new holsters? It just takes too much time to breakpoint all this stuff to find out all the tags and places you need stuff added to work

YES! I am sorry the video tutorials aren’t out yet. The tutorial level that epic wanted from us has taken longer than expected.

Right now there are three types of holster, Primary, Secondary, and Melee. These are designated by Actor Tags and tell the system what holster can take what item. In 1.0.1 only bows and firearms can be holstered. In 1.0.2 any object that is a child of BP_BasicSkeletalMeshPickup and BP_BasicFirearmPickup can be holstered. This means as long as your new object types extend from those two pickup classes they will be holsterable.

All these pickup classes do is handle pickup by the way and set basic hierarchy.

I am looking for feedback on the holstering system and the inventory. Do yall want a sort of general holster for items? I have been thinking of ways to do this, maybe some sort of grid based UI inventory for basic items like keys, food stuffs, etc?

A holster for a couple easy to access items would be great keys, food, medkits, grenades. Grid based UI seems too un-immersive for VR although I would be curious to know how you were considering implementing this. For a larger inventory system, have you considered a backpack? Examples of a backpack inventory are in The Gallery: Call of the Starseed and Island 359.
Thanks! Looking forward to 1.0.2