Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Ok cool, well I will make it available, just know that I wont have all the tutorials done until sometime next week. I should have the first up tomorrow though.

Here is the url: https://heavydieselsoftworks./weapon-master-vr

Not gonna lie, i’m a lil terrified lol.

Don’t worry man we’re all able to figure out a bit of UE. You may even get some good pre-MP feedback. :slight_smile:

I’ll be checking in through the night. Let me know if you have issues or questions.

Can i add this to my vr Template Projekt and work?

hi i buy it but i Need this way to movement original from 4.15

ok after my test i can say:

  1. this is not for user he want add this System to own Project, this is for make a new Project with this as base!
  2. if i make new map the teleporting dont work i dont know why navmesh and Controller is set
  3. if i add a own character mesh to the Zombie blueprint, dont work on the right side in Details Show mew my new character but in viewporet is the Zombie!
  4. On the Test Map have FPS Problems

is better you make this compatible with VR Template from Epic for user have a Project and Need this include!

My feedback is similar to SkyNet’s: rework this so that it’s based off of the VR Template.

  1. Parent your controller classes to MotionControllerPawn and BP_MotionController. Don’t pack everything into one class. You haven’t made a better player controller so don’t reinvent the wheel.
  2. Enable teleport as the default locomotion method. Most players will become sick very quickly with slide-to-move. Set up slide-to-move toggling as a spawnable property so that it can be toggled and assigned at runtime.

Lots of us have custom movement solutions based on the VR Template player controller. Not parenting from it is a dealbreaker. Your solution would have to be amazing to get me away from the VR Template and right now it’s not an improvement.

Beyond that I think you need to change how just about everything works. But that’s OK because figuring out what to change it to is most of the battle and it’s already done for you: H3VR has spent a long time figuring out usability problems and I would straight up default to what he’s done and only improve on it where it’s an actual improvement. That’s everything from controls to how it feels when you interact with gun parts such as chambering.

I’m going to list everything I noticed from a quick play.

  1. The optics don’t feel real. This is my main complaint with VR gun simulations, try to get the optics right.
  2. Attachments are locking into one position only. Those are rails, make it so that any attachment can be grabbed and mounted on any rail, at any point along it. Ignore if it’s a good idea or not, let the player figure that out.
  3. Trigger to grab and grip buttons to release is far more agreeable.
  4. Couldn’t tell if I was charging the rifle correctly but if you pull the trigger near the bolt, the hand controller should snap to it and follow a constrained back-forward path until you release the trigger and full control is returned to the user. Then it’s absolutely clear what’s happening. This would be an improvement on even H3VR.
  5. Not sure if it’s in or not but add an option to flip everything you can pick up for left-handed users. Scale by 1,1,-1 or whatever axis is appropriate and use a two-sided material. This should automatically be in every VR game ever because it’s so easy to do.

There’s heaps of things I liked about it too:

  1. Easy mag loading
  2. Mag eject button was exactly where I expected it to be (eg. H3VR controls)
  3. Scale is good.
  4. Shatter effect and bullets look good. Lots of people overlook things that are not noticeable once they look right.
  5. Picking up the gun teleports it to your hand. This is great. Having guns slowly sweep into position and knock ammo everywhere is the dumbest design choice I’ve ever seen. This is one area where you’ve improved on H3VR.

Don’t feel disheartened, but start tackling things you think you can improve on. I’m happy to keep testing and giving you feedback. If you did this right you could retire from the income, it’s worth the effort.

First of all, thank you so much for your input. I am listening and will make the appropriate changes. I have some questions and comments though.

  1. Yes it is intended to be a base for a project.
  2. My directional teleportation uses a ground trace to find if it can teleport somewhere. If you set your walkable area to block the ground trace it should work.
  3. There is an engine bug with the ai where their mesh and animation_BP were getting reset every time the project was opened. To get around this I added manually setting the mesh, anim_BP, and collisions stuff to the construction graph. I will add some setup variables so you can change the mesh easily today when I upload some fixes.
  4. What graphics card are you using? In our performance tests the ACOG scopes are the biggest performance culprit other than dynamic shadows.

1. Parent your controller classes to MotionControllerPawn and BP_MotionController. Don’t pack everything into one class. You haven’t made a better player controller so don’t reinvent the wheel.
2. Enable teleport as the default locomotion method. Most players will become sick very quickly with slide-to-move. Set up slide-to-move toggling as a spawnable property so that it can be toggled and assigned at runtim

  1. I will look into this. What do you mean by not packing everything into one class?
  2. There is toggle for comfort mode in the spawned player character that turns on directional teleportation. I plan to add in the default teleportation too. I can make that be the default setting as well. I ran out of buttons for runtime toggling, I do want to have a menu in the future for toggling options.

1. The optics don’t feel real. This is my main complaint with VR gun simulations, try to get the optics right.
2. Attachments are locking into one position only. Those are rails, make it so that any attachment can be grabbed and mounted on any rail, at any point along it. Ignore if it’s a good idea or not, let the player figure that out.
3. Trigger to grab and grip buttons to release is far more agreeable.
4. Couldn’t tell if I was charging the rifle correctly but if you pull the trigger near the bolt, the hand controller should snap to it and follow a constrained back-forward path until you release the trigger and full control is returned to the user. Then it’s absolutely clear what’s happening. This would be an improvement on even H3VR.
5. Not sure if it’s in or not but add an option to flip everything you can pick up for left-handed users. Scale by 1,1,-1 or whatever axis is appropriate and use a two-sided material. This should automatically be in every VR game ever because it’s so easy to do.

  1. I agree, I am trying to research how to get more realistic optics. It is actually something I have slated for the first update along with red dot sights.
  2. I can look into this. I would likely need to separate front and rear portions of iron sights though. Part of the reason the attachments work the way they do is because of simplicity during game play.
  3. We have had long running arguments about this at our studio. My point of view comes from the idea that grip = palms, interaction(trigger) = fingers. Also, in the near future, VR controllers are going to use grip sensors for picking things up (ie. valves new controller). That doesn’t mean to say you are wrong, I will add in the ability for you to choose in the future.
  4. I am not really sure I understand. Are you saying that the hand mesh should snap to the slide grip? Also, the rifle example has a non-recipricating bolt so if the bolt is locked back the slide will move freely and not effect it which could cause some confusion but is functionally sound. If you are curious look at the manual of arms for the Tavor on youtube.
  5. I am going to add in ambidextrous support for picking up objects asap. Basically which ever hand you pick up a gun with will become the “Main hand” and the other the “Offhand”.

So, just to clarify, when we started Weapon Master the VR Template from epic did not exist. Yall are recommending I extend from that to get its teleportation and basic locomotion setup? I assume epic will allow that?

Just wanted to add that we are currently working on converting WM to work with the VR Template (or at least be extended from it). That said, I will likely have to override some of the grab specific events, and I will need to use a custom interface for all of the other functions outside of pickup. I will keep the teleportation intact though. This is gonna take me a while but I want to make sure this is done right. I’ll do my best to get a working version up a soon as possible.

Question: Do yall care if I make edits to the MotionControllerPawn and the BP_MotionController? Or do I need to keep them completely the same?

I just use a free locomotion pawn and will probably create my own capsule that resizes and uses room scale if that’s not in already, so hopefully its not too dependent on the vr template.
Also not sure if you have checked out the open vr expansion plugin but Ill probably be using that too for other mechanics. Do you know of any compatibility issues? If so I can just rewrite your bp’s as needed.

I am going to do a tutorial on how to use the locomotion from Open VR Expansion (including the wall climbing). Its kind of set back until after I fix some things. I am going to do my best to get these changes up by sunday or monday. Then I am going to get tutorials up.

The most important bit of feedback from my reply was: use the VR Template. Otherwise it just feels half-arsed.

By not packing everything into one class I meant make motion controllers their own class, then spawn two of them. This makes it easier to change one and not the other, or change them based on context. Take a look at the VR template for an example.

The expectation is you over-ride what’s in there like you said.

Regarding the charging bolt, what I’m talking about is there’s no apparently connection between the controller and the charging lever. I thought I was meant to push it with fingertips for a while, then I wasn’t sure. That’s just usability feedback: it’s not clear to the user how to use it. It would be worth putting in a mechanism where the hand mesh snaps to the thing you’re interacting with during the interaction process instead of floating in space with no indication that you’re actually affecting the lever.

Ok I understand, I will add a hand attachment to the slide/charging rod so there is a visual cue. I am half way through porting it to the VR Template. Things seem to be going well.

Excellent :smiley:

Is your custom movement logic derived from epic’s teleportation? Did you extend or overwrite?

I haven’t had to touch the vr template logic so far. Even after overriding i have kept the basic pickup logic in place, only i have added a check to see if the object uses weapon master pickup as well.

I imagine you could reparent to the logic you have now but you may have an issue importing if the bps share the same name. WM will still need the config files though as the collision matrix is still used. Which means its still a “template”, only now it is an extreme extension of the VR Template.

I can’t speak for others but if I’m doing teleportation I just straight up delete the roomscale objects and unhook the trackpad rotation behaviour. Otherwise I use the VR Template verbatim for locomotion as it works well.

Just wanted to let people know that we have an forum as well, and I will be posting info both here, and there pertaining to our plans and updates.

I would also like to ask that people with questions, or issues, to please ask them publicly, instead of pming me, in either our itch forum, or here in this thread, so that others will have access to the answers as well.

Based on your feedback we are going to be uploading a major update in a few days. Here are some highlights:


  • VR Character now extends from epics VR Template pawn.

  • motion controllers split into their own class extended from BP_motioncontroller and logic simplified.

  • dynamic right and left hand support for main hand weapons (more on this later)

  • 4 locomotion modes adjustable during runtime (default teleport, directional teleport, simple slide locomotion, and directional slide locomotion).

  • adjustment of visual cues for slide manipulation.

Our goal is to get community feedback updates out as fast as possible. Some suggestions we have recieved will come in our major updates that take longer though. More on what is coming in 1.1 soon!

Tutorials have been postponed until 1.0.1 is out.

Tried to make it work with Occulus Touch , found it veery hard , like to make locomotion with trackpad but without pressing it ,reqiuers to change stuff all over the place , and controller forward vectors are different ( Any chance of support of some kind of platform switch?

We want to support oculus in the future but currently cannot afford the rift + touch. Once we have one i can do the testing to make it work.

1.0.1 update might help some as i have changed how inputs are done and integrated epics vr template logic which supports oculus.

Until we get a rift we will not be officially supporting it though.

just a question. Will this be network replicated? Or we have to edit ourself for make it multiplayer compatible?