Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Hey guys just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. I’m , I’m the other half of this operation, specifically the art and creative half. You haven’t seen a ton of my work in Weapon master as that’s Oneshot’s territory as the brains here, I pretty much as the resident gun expert here made sure that down to the minutia the guns operate as real guns do. You’ve seen a little of my work though in the free/light version of Zumbie the Zombie and his animations and our logos and advertising graphics but I’m hard at work on our other projects we created weapon master for as well as pre rigged weapon master guns we’ll be releasing and also making more free little goodies for you guys for weapon master.

We’re going to be adding some free to use game assets in the next update to replace the crappy ones Oneshot made, ammo box pickup meshes and accurate to scale bullet and empty casing meshes for all our supported guns that are all free to use in your personal projects should you want to. Every time we ad a new supported firearm action type we will be adding a free simple but decent looking gun mesh that works with it as well as a nice looking bullet and empty casing as well as an ammo box pickup mesh all caliber appropriate to proper size and scale. So like when we add revolvers I will make a .44 magnum bullet and casing as well as a .44 magnum ammo box mesh which will be added to weapon master along side it. I’m working on a free production quality unusual mp5k variant model which will also be free with weapon master as an example of what kind of quality you can expect from the production quality weapon master ready guns we’ll be releasing.

I made an account because there’s going to be more stuff from me being added to WM and production quality assets available for purchase alongside it going forward and I just really wanted to thank all of you for your support. Your enthusiasm has really been encouraging and we’re far from done with weapon master! So nice to meet all of you and by all means share with the class what you’re working on with weapon master if you want to. We’re really interested in what people are creating with it!

Hi, Just purchased this pack a few days ago, looks and feels fantastic. Main reason I bought this was for the directional movement locomotion. The survival video convinced me to buy since I am a fan of the move through environment as opposed to teleportation. But sadly I have run into a few major problems. After watching your main VR character+hand overview video and digging through all 30 pages on this forum. I am lost and need help.

First after migrating to my project and selecting any one of your VR_Gamemodes. I found the direction simple forward movement is reversed. And the directional pad movement type seems to work and not work, basically sketchy. Not sure why. My inputs match your projects inputs. Not sure whats the problem here. Could you help?

Second, My character keeps popping up or floating onto walls and or ceilings above (ex:2nd floors) This happens with both teleportation and directional movement options. popping up near certain objects, walls, or ceiling above. and eventually onto 2nd floor above. From my current understanding, I would need a blocking volume with teleport occlusion to prevent this? I don’t see this volume in your ranged demo map and the movement or teleport does not lift me up onto the 2nd floor. So I figure I need this no step collision option.

Problem is i am not sure how to set this up. When I go to select my meshes/walls/ceilings in my level, they don’t have the same list of collision options as I find in your demo map. How do I get these extra options, no step, teleportation occlusion into my meshes? Perhaps I missed something, Thanks for any help.

Oh, and there seems to be a problem in your demo map when playing in VR. The level is completely white, there is faint outlines of meshes, but unplayable. I can provide pictures. I thought it was a postprocess error. all other levels work fine. Not sure what the problem is there. please fix.

Weapon Master VR is meant to be a starting template, migration is possible but it can lead to some strange issues for obvious reasons. Ill try my best to help though.

Are you on oculus or vive? Do any of these errors happen on a fresh install of Weapon Master that isn’t migrated?

“First after migrating to my project and selecting any one of your VR_Gamemodes. I found the direction simple forward movement is reversed. And the directional pad movement type seems to work and not work, basically sketchy. Not sure why. My inputs match your projects inputs. Not sure whats the problem here. Could you help?”

Check your input settings. If you are on Vive the vertical input should be inverted (-1) on Oculus it shouldn’t. What do you mean by work/not work? Is this on our levels or yours? There should be no sketchiness.

“Second, My character keeps popping up or floating onto walls and or ceilings above (ex:2nd floors) This happens with both teleportation and directional movement options. popping up near certain objects, walls, or ceiling above. and eventually onto 2nd floor above. From my current understanding, I would need a blocking volume with teleport occlusion to prevent this? I don’t see this volume in your ranged demo map and the movement or teleport does not lift me up onto the 2nd floor. So I figure I need this no step collision option.”

The player in weapon master is constantly looking for “Ground” with a trace. When it finds ground, by shooting a trace down from the middle of the capsule, it sets the players height in the world. This functionality seems to be causing 90% of the issues people have with weapon master. Here are tips to keep these errors from happening.

  1. Nothing in your world should have the collision object type of World Static or World dynamic other than ground. Absolutely nothing you attach to your character should be either of these collision object types either.
  2. World objects that you don’t want to “Step Up On” should have the collision object type No Step.
  3. Teleportation occlusion shouldn’t be put on meshes but should be put on invisible collision objects in your level to keep people teleporting only in the areas you want them to. This was my work around for the problems I had with Epic’s implementation of teleportation which would allow you to teleport through ceilengs.

“Problem is i am not sure how to set this up. When I go to select my meshes/walls/ceilings in my level, they don’t have the same list of collision options as I find in your demo map. How do I get these extra options, no step, teleportation occlusion into my meshes? Perhaps I missed something, Thanks for any help.”

You set the Collision Object type for your meshes to decide if they should be seen as ground or not. If No Step, teleportation Occlusion, etc are not showing up that would explain all of your issues as they are absolutely needed for the system to work at all. Weapon Master needs all of its collision channels to be migrated or it basically breaks. Its possible your migration got corrupted somehow.

Is your world made up of meshes or bsp? If you are using BSP that would explain your issues as you cannot change its collision object type (its always world static).

“Oh, and there seems to be a problem in your demo map when playing in VR. The level is completely white, there is faint outlines of meshes, but unplayable. I can provide pictures. I thought it was a postprocess error. all other levels work fine. Not sure what the problem is there. please fix.”

I just tried all of our maps and this didn’t happen. Epic tests all updates and they didn’t find it either. Could you please provide pictures and possibly a screenshot of your rendering options as I am not sure where to start in helping you fix this?

Also, would you mind sending me a copy of your project via dropbox or something? If so please PM it to me and I will take a look. I am beginning to think that the migration got messed up somehow.

**For future reference here is how I insure perfect migration of assets. **

  1. I create a new project with Weapon Master VR and give it the name of my game project (ex. My Awesome Shooter Game).
  2. I then migrate assets from my old project to this new one.

So, basically I don’t migrate weapon master at all, I migrate my other project into a fresh install of weapon master. Why? Migration seems to sometimes not bring in all the correct configuration settings for collision and button mapping. Without this stuff 100% correct Weapon Master VR wont function. By only ever using fresh installs of Weapon Master VR I prevent errors and missing data from breaking the system.

I think I am going to do a tutorial today on setting up a Weapon Master VR project and building a simple level. The game mode will be survival game mode.

So Beta 2 is close to being ready for testing. Unfortunately I have a wedding to attend out of town this weekend so I am not exactly sure when I will release it. I am trying to get it out before the wedding, but I can’t be 100% certain I will have time.

Weapon Master VR 1.1 Beta 2 Patch Notes

Major Bug fixes
-You can once again remove mags from the inventory

  • Burst fire is back for BP_AdvancedFirearms!


  • Rotating Bolt Logic added (for bolt action rifles)
  • Complete rewrite of recoil logic with a bunch of new variables to play with
  • New spline added to hierarchy that handles the placement of bullets when using Visible Interior Magazine.
  • Weapons can now have a visible interior magazine. the bullets get added, removed, and move up and down correctly!


  • You can now swap between grabbing a magazine with the highest bullets, lowest bullets or random amount of bullets from the mag inventory by pressing the off hand menu button(Vive) or lower button (oculus) while your off hand is interacting with the mag inventory and your main hand holding a mag weapon.
  • You can now swap between bullet types for a magazine or internal mag weapon by pressing the hand menu button(Vive) or lower button (oculus) for the hand interacting with the mag inventory while holding a mag, or internal mag weapon in your other hand.


  • new recoil mod stats added

Weapon Master Setup Part 1

Warning: It is not recommended to migrate Weapon Master VR into a already created project!

Recommended set up procedure

  1. Select Create New Project using Weapon Master Asset in MP Vault
  2. Name your new project
  3. Select engine version
  4. Hit create
  5. Migrate files from your old project (if you have one) into this new project.

Hi OneShot. Thanks for answering my questions. So it seems migrating my project over to Weapon VR master solved most of the problems :slight_smile: Not a typical workflow but nice to know that it solved most problems. Hopefully you updated the marketplace description with the proper setup, this should avoid half the support questions and free up your time.

Anyway, I still have a problem with popping up onto objects. I did some trial and error and found out no problems navigating static objects.(my 2 floor house) As I didn’t have to change any collision setting and your system still worked fine for an empty version of the house. I currently testing to pinpoint the problem and see if different collision types can solve my problem. But I narrowed it down to BP Actors and Triggers. Which I have many within my level for multiple scripts and events going on in my house. This seems to be the problem.

So the new questions now seems to be
1.Proper Collision type for BP triggers. As the trigger volumes collision is effected by your movement system. (If I change default collision for triggers they wont trigger anymore)
2.What do you recommend for proper collision setup for Characters BP.

Oh, And I still got the white lighting problem in your demo level within a new WMVR project. I will take a screenshot later.

Weapon Master is considered a complete project by the Marketplace, which is basically a template. You are meant to use it as a starting point. I will make this more clear in documentation. That is why migrating causes so many issues. You are meant to migrate into a weapon master project.

Your BP_Actors, what are they? Like small objects laying about your house (tables, lamps, etc)? You may need to set their collision to no step.

As for your questions:

  1. What Collision Object Type are you using for your Triggers? As long as they are not set to world dynamic or world static you shouldn’t see problems.
  2. The Player Character should have the PlayerCharacter Collision Object type.

Likely what you need to do is this:

  1. set your Trigger’s collision object type to something other than World Static, World Dynamic, NoStep, or teleportationocclusion (make a new one called WorldTrigger maybe?)
  2. Make sure the Trigger is set to overlap PlayerCharacter in its collision matrix
  3. Make sure generate overlap events is checked
  4. set your characters collision or trigger component to PlayerCharacter (default for weapon master capsule)
  5. set your character collision to generate overlap events
  6. set your characters collision matrix to overlap whatever Object channel you set the trigger to.

You should probably also make sure that the dummy movers collision capsule is NOT PlayerCharacter collision.

I have no idea why you are getting the rendering error. If you could get me pics I can try to narrow down what the issue is.

You can ignored the comment about BP_Actors. I meant my BP_Actor Triggers. Basically the only problem left is the trigger collison.

I cant make a new collision object type. it says there is only a limit of 18. It seems you have used them all up.

Hmm, I’m gonna see if I can reduce the number of collision channels in 1.1.

Try and use the physics body one for now.

How do I map the HTC Vive controller trigger exactly to the assault rifle basic trigger. As it is its off by a few inches. I’m going to make a 3d printed version of the rifle to attach to the controller so it matches up. I tried re-importing the mesh and changing import translation but that didn’t work I’m sure its something simple but I can’t figure it out right now.

Each bp_interactionobject has a location and rotation varible. Set those to fine tune the position of the gun to the trigger.

Hi, OneShot. I manage to figure it out. I’m not familiar with all these different types of collision systems in place for U4 and your project. But I got it to work by just setting all my master triggers to your player character collision object and changed the player character value to overlap.

Funny that you mention the interactive object, I just finished setting up a few pickups and equipment in the yard. Is there a way to turn off pivot snap? like a public variable? So when player picks up a interactive object, it picks it up at point wherever the hand grabbed? Id like this option for grabbing certain objects more naturally and realistically.

And I noticed a problem with the interactive object. It cant be physicalized prior to pickup, And loses physics afterward. Wondering If that can be changed into an optional feature. Physics before hand, and physics afterward.

A suggestion for you, I would put in a VR hand model into the interactive object, have it hidden in game, this way its easier to fine tune in the BP viewport and line up the final snap point by copying over the location and rotation values of the object into the snap values. Now its kinda trial and error. Great product :). About to make an Axe and a Bat Melee.

I originally had both snap and “grab in place” methods of pickup but remove the later to just focus on one. While not something I am going to add in 1.1 (since its feature set is already set) I will put it on the list for 1.2.

“And I noticed a problem with the interactive object. It cant be physicalized prior to pickup, And loses physics afterward. Wondering If that can be changed into an optional feature. Physics before hand, and physics afterward.”

I am not entirely sure what you mean here. What do you mean by it can’t be physicalized prior to pickup? All objects should have physics turned on when not held. As for the second part, I know how to turn on physics for held objects I just haven’t added it in yet. The option to use this feature will likely be coming either before 1.2 or in the 1.2 update.

Having a weird problem that I’m sure is an easy easy fix, but the solution is not presenting itself to me! Anyways, When i try to make a landscape, when I add a landscape material to use for creating, UE crashes.

It’s happened with the landscape material provided in Weapon Master, and with another landscape mesh i want to use. I think it’s something to do with layers as if I create an empty landscape, then add the material, things keep running, until I go to paint the landscape, at which point, UE crashes. Tested it in non Weapon Master VR projects and it’s all fine, no crashing. Hope someone here can help me out with this!

Is it a freeze or a crash? Just to clarify you are crashing when you attempt to use our landscape material with another landscape? What happens if you make a landscape material? Does it still crash when painting?

This is really bizarre, nothing in Weapon Master should crash painting on a landscape.

Everyone that has been waiting for a MP version of weapon master should check their library. Epic let me know that they activated the vouchers.

Hey just wanted to ask a small favor if you like what we’re doing with weapon master. We sold quite a few copies on Itch and were originally opposed to releasing there but a lot of you guys really wanted to get your hands on it early so we were of course happy to put it up for early adoption and testing. We missed out on a lot of public feedback selling so many copies on .

We highly recommend you use your voucher to get your free MP copy of Weapon Master for ease of updates and if you decide to do this if you could be so kind, please leave us a star review if you were prevented from doing so before. The more people pick up weapon master the more time and features we can justify putting into it in the future!

Hi there!
How can i modify the hitbox? It seems i cant move it around… Its just doing nothing when i try to move it

Hey OneShot, I will have to recheck with the physics problem, cause I created a flashlight, physics seems to work with that, ex: physics on before grab and after release. So I must have done something. However, I do have another concern.

Do we still have access to the original BP_pickup actor via pickup actor interface (blue cubes in vr template level?) If so How?

Can you point me to where I can write my own logic for when using VRWM version of grab and release? I’d like to get this physics interactive object below to work with VRWM. It seems pretty basic and needs access to grab and release functions
