Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Beta 1 of Weapon Master 1.1 can be downloaded from now. This is a test build for bug testing purposes only (just a warning), and boy are there going to be some unforeseen bugs. I have spent most of today toying with the recoil logic and I have decided it sucks. I am going to fix it for 1.1, or at least try to. Anyways, there are a couple things that I already know are issues.

Known Issues:

  • you can store a mag but you cannot remove them from the inventory. I should have a fix out for this on Tuesday.
  • The secondary Primary Holster (aka the secondary holster) sometimes decides it doesn’t want to work. I can’t figure out this issue but I will get it fixed as soon as possible.
  • Some of the holster rotational values are not correct (working on it)

If you are going to help test 1.1 beta 1 please post bugs here so I can fix them and get new builds out to yall. Beta 2 should be out by Friday. There is a lot of logic in there that is currently doing nothing (particularly the save and load stuff), so don’t worry if it doesn’t work (i removed some features for this build so we could focus on a few things at a time).

I am going to do the Beta 1 overview tomorrow morning. The wife giving me the “you have ignored me all day eyes” and I am gonna take her to dinner :P.

For those interested the Weapon Master 1.1 beta 1 overview stream is starting now!

I created a Discord for Weapon Master for those interested

Weapon Master VR 1.1 Beta 1 Overview Video

1.0.4 of Weapon Master VR with 4.17 support and preliminary Oculus support is now live on the MP.

Hi people, I bought this package and it is nice. But can somebody tell me why my character hangs in air if some ai contact him? I couldnt find out where to I set up gravity? Any help will much appreciated.

This is an issue that has been around for awhile. I did raise it before and I believe OneShotGG has fixed that issue as well as the ability to add a jump in version 1.1

Thank you for answer, so is there anything quick fix I can do? I dont need jump I just need gravity to character. I am preparing something for a fair, so a quick fix will solve my problem.

Also I’ve noticed that collision system is too much and unneccesary complicated. There are too many collision channels and I dont know how to handle. Nothing is colliding with my VR character. I can see author of this package did great effort and I respect him, but I cant even teleport my character somewhere, my character is flying up and up. This is most basic function and it doesnt work.

I see that author is still trying to upgrade functions for guns in twitch video, But please I think your package is the most detailed VR gun system, but please focus on basic stuff. My character is flying:)

note: To solve the collision problems I created a dummy object and attach it to vr character’s camera. Now objects are colliding with my character. Still I cant understand character collision.

Also I’ve discovered that whenever if I compile gamemode, whatever it is, survival mode or vrmode, editor crash always. I am using UE version 4.17. Sorry but this package is useless. I am very unhappy to spend it 50 dollars.

Hmm what collision tag does it have? I may need to look into the floor detection some more.

That is a ue4 bug and has nothing to do with weapon master. Go to project settings -> blueprints and uncheck the only option available (it’s name escapes me right now).

By turning this off the complication crashes stop.

This tutorial covers characters and collisions. https://youtu.be/SnmjcAx0QoI

I will be making a new tutorial after 1.1 to cover changes.

sorry for your issues I’ll do myh best to fix them.

Hey I am sorry I was very angry that time. Please sorry for my bad behaviour your package is great but if I solve everything in your project by myself its too much time consuming. Its true that you made great effort for this package but there are many problems and bugs, in every step I found new one; for example In survival mode character, If I choose assault rifle instead of normal pistol, even I made everything, I reload, I put magazine etc… still I cant fire! Why? I trigger but nothing happens?

Also I want to edit some magazines and projectiles but I couldn understand how it works. There are many names on each object. Which one is for bullet, whihc one is for what, its all very very confusing. There are many things in the project names are mis-match. For example how can I know which magazine belong to assault rifle? Naming is very important. I figured out after many hours projectiles with “instant hit” have the real projectiles with projectile movement. But what is spawner I still dont know? What is held projectile I dont know? What is magcheck collision channel why it exist? I dont know. What is the purpose of weapon col collision channel? Why it exist? I dont know. You should simply write down everything what is what.

I had the flying issue once too, I forget what I did. It was something to do with an object improperly attached to the character and the character was stepping up onto it repeatedly. In your collision check that step up onto isn’t on and could you give me a run down of what you set up? Maybe I could figure it out.

Hey quick question… before I integrate new melee weapons (Swords,Axes,ect) do they have to be skeletal meshes or can the be static meshes? Thanks again!

They need to be skeletal meshes with at least 1 bone. If you have purchased them and they came as static meshes you can export them, add a bone in your program of choice, and then import them as skeletal meshes. The bone needs to be at the point in the weapon you want it to be “attached”, so be cognoscente of that when placing it. Hope that helps!

Did you pull back the slide on the rifle? In Weapon Master you have to chamber a round like you would in real life by grabbing the slide (aka charging handle), pulling all the way back until it stops, and then releasing it. This may seem confusing if you are unfamiliar with firearms, but it is how they function.

If you dont want this real world functionality, and would rather have more simple firearms, try out the basic firearms (the ones that are tan in color).

Everything in the project is named according to real world conventions. The Assault Rifle uses 5.56 bullets therefor uses the 5.56 magazine. The pistol uses 45 ACP so its mags are 45 ACP magazines. They are named that way because multiple guns can use 5.56 mags, etc.

In 1.1 I am fixing some of the confusing naming to help people better understand the template. I am aware that my initial efforts were not ideal when it comes to naming.

I am sorry you are having issues, I am trying to get 1.1 out as fast as possible as it will be more user friendly.

The reason you will see “Flying Up” is if you attach something to the character that has World Dynamic or World Static as its Collision Object Type. This happens because the ground trace hits that object and thinks it is the ground and moves the character up, which moves the object up, then the whole process repeats and you go flying into the air. Make sure nothing you attach to the character has that Collision Setting.

The reason the character will “Float” when you physically walk out over an edge in roomscale is I designed it that way. In other words, its not a bug. I did this because people get sick when falling is implemented into VR. That is also why I left jumping out.

That said I have been asked to add in falling and jumping as an option and both are coming in 1.1.

Weapon Master VR is still in heavy development. I feel I have been pretty clear about this. The template works straight out of the box but there is still A LOT of work to be done by me to make it more feature rich and user friendly. Part of the problem right now is a lack of tutorials on guns which arose when I decided to make massive changes to firearms for 1.1. I realize this deficiency and I am working hard to make it right.

If you are in a hurry, and feel Weapon Master VR is too far away from being ready for you, then by all means ask for a refund. I don’t want someone unhappy with their purchase. But if you want to keep at it maybe jump in our discord server sometime where I, and a few customers making games with Weapon Master, may be able to help you faster.

As a heads up, I am not going to be doing any more tutorial streams until 1.1 is out. I will be doing a stream today where I set up the bolt action rifle’s skeleton in Maya for those that are interested. It will start at 2:30 and run until I get it into the engine. This stream will also highlight a new feature of guns and Mags in Weapon Master VR, the visible internal Magazine.

Beta 2 of 1.1 is almost done and includes brand new, way more advanced, recoil logic as well as bug fixes for beta 1 and the bolt action logic!

Along with save/load beta 3 will have falling and jumping logic as well as some character improvements.

I can understand you made everything according to real life but you didnt write anything. You just name gun as “Assault rifle”. All assaults rifles on the world using 5.56 mags? I am not sure but even it is true, how we would know?

I excatly understand how guns work, and this is why I choose this package. You’ve made everything very realistic and this is so nice, thank you. But as I said, assault rifle(yellowish one) doesnt work, you can try withyourself. Is it because of character I choose? I was trying that time with survival character. Is that the reason?

Look here attachment. I didnt understand why my VR character doesnt start with assault rifle with scope? Is this my mistake, can you look please? What ever I try, assault rifle doesnt start with scope.

I will not refund from this point, I already use it. But still I dont recommend this package. Nearly everystep there is a bug. I will edit my comment after 1.1 update.

There are two types of guns in weapon master. BP_SimpleFirearm and BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm. In the example level and the range the BP_SimpleFirearms are the yellow colored ones and the BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearms are the green ones.

There are 2 BP_SimpleFirearm examples; BP_Pistol_Basic and BP_AssaultRifle_Basic. You currently cannot spawn with attachments using these. Its not a bug, just something I haven’t done yet. I will be adding this functionality to them in 1.1.

There are 7 BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm examples (BP_AssualtRifle, BP_AssaultRifleIronSighted, BP_AssaultRifleScoped, BP_Pistol, BP_TacPistol, BP_Shotgun, BP_ShotgunIronsighted). With this weapon type you CAN spawn with a scope attached! If you need an example look at BP_AssaultRifleScoped.

In these videos I just did on twitch I go over some basics of spawning with a weapon in your hand.

Here I spawn a Basic Assault Rifle (BP_AssualtRifleBasic) (Yellow one)

Here I spawn a with an advanced Assault Rifle (BP_AssaultRifle) (Green one)