Weapon Master VR Support Thread

I`ve got a question. Can I holster magazine of object type like pistol (physical firearm type)? How to do it?

That means they variable is being watched.

No problem, I was legit going crazy with all the crashes before I turned off that “feature”. Not sure why its on by default…

To be clear, you want to holster a mag? You can do so by putting it into the mag inventory (the big rectangle in the middle). You cannot currently use one of the weapon holsters to holster a mag though. In 1.1 (coming soon), there will be a misc holster where it will be possible. You will also be able to change other holsters to be misc holsters as well if you are not using them for a weapon.

Did you mean bow? Also, that doesn’t sound right. You are talking about holstering right? I just checked and on the test range map I can holster and unholster the bow in the primary slot just fine. Could this be a different issue or am I misunderstanding?

The Oculus controls for the 4.17 version of Weapon Master are just preliminary. They work but some actions are not bound (mainly turning the flashlight on and off). I have found a solution and greatly improved Oculus controls in 1.1.

I plan on putting 1.1 on 2 weeks from this friday at the latest. If the beta goes really well it may be before then. When it shows up on the Marketplace is up to Epic but is generally two weeks after that (not sure why updates take so long…).

Forgot to post this. Episode 3 of Weapon Master Basics: Part 1 on Bows.

I was a little sleep deprived during this due to Hurricane stress, so I appologies for all my screw ups during the tutorial. In the end we got the bow set up. I think this tut highlights some “issues” with trying to use animations designed for FPS in VR. I couldn’t use Ironbelly’s animations due to the way they did them. Anyways, hope this is helpful. In part 2 I will be turning one of their arrows into an arrow we can use in Weapon Master VR.

I have an issue with my bow set up where there are some floating faces behind where the sting is attached. I’ve checked my model and skeleton and they aren’t part of the issue. I think it’s coming from blueprints somehow. Any ideas?

Yes, i want to holster a mag very much. Would you be so kindy tell me how to do it quiclky as possibly. Ive learned a lot of functionality in your project. But up to now dont understand how for example pistol connect to holster socket of holster mesh...Maybe you in brief explain me..I know my magazine inheritated from skeletal class and don have holster function...but if i add all functionality for weapon to skeletal mesh...if any chance do it holster a mag? Whats problem to do it in genera? sorry for my english …

Hey can you re-post your dev videos on static mesh pick up and melee weapons. I have things to add to the game and forgot how to do those things and i cant find them on the forum! Thank you!

That is really weird. I don’t think there is any way the blueprint could be creating the errors though. Blueprints only show the meshes you supply them. If you hide the arrow do they go away? What about if you set the bow to not be visible? That would be the best way to narrow down what is causing it. If turning something off makes them disappear then that is the culprit.

Static Mesh Pickups

Melee Weapons from a static mesh

I update OP with tutorials for those that don’t know.

If you want to hack around at the scripting, and cannot wait for 1.1, you could set the object type to melee and add in the holstering logic found in Melee weapons to the skeletal mesh class. 1.1 will cover this for you though. I would not try and mess with the Firearm classes for this as they could easily break.

Weapon Master 1.1 Beta

I need a few more days to fix and find the major bugs in beta 1 so I am pushing back the release to Sunday afternoon/night CST. The purpose for this beta is for yall to find hidden bugs and test features. The beta will come in three waves each adding new features.

Beta 1: Attachments 2.0, Magazine rework, firearm streamlining

Beta 2: Bolt Action Rifle, Stripper Clip logic for Mags

Beta 3: Save and load

A note of some of the changes:

You will notice that Firearms themselves no longer deal damage or hold the main damage variable. This was done to match real world functionality. Bullets are what actually deal damage and a gun can fire different types of similar caliber bullets that each do different damage (FMJ, GreenTip, Armor Piercing, hollow point, etc). The change was made to reflect this. The ModDamage variable was added so that guns firing the same ammo at different muzzle velocities can deal slightly different amounts of damage. Dont forget to set your damage values on your children of BP_ChamberedAmmo.

Here are the patch notes for Weapon Master 1.1 Beta 1

BP_AdvancedFirearm (formerly BP_PhysicalMagazineFirearm)

  • reworked Magazine Firearm slide logic to be simpler (now uses one switch)
  • Weapons can now take multiple different magazines (set them in array)
  • Weapons can now take multiple different bullets (set them in array)
  • Weapons have a defaultfiresound and defaultmuzzleflash that gets ignored if a muzzle attachment is used.
  • Weapon Base Stats can be modified by attachments.
  • You can now single load into an open chamber if UseSecondaryLoad is checked.
  • You can now fire a manual straight action weapon while still grabbing the slide (this was requested for the shotgun so you dont have to stop holding the offhand trigger to fire)
  • Attachment triggers and mag triggers can now be manual set in the veiwport and no longer snap to a socket (Note:the attachments themselves still attach to sockets so the sockets are still needed).
  • Damage variable is now ModDamage (main damage is decided by the bullet, ModDamage will add or subtract to bullet damage for balancing)
  • Scopes auto zero when attached to gun (see BP_ScopeAttachment)
  • Stats are updated when your add or remove an attachment
  • You can now hold to grip for stabilization
  • Like External Magazines, Internal magazines now hold an array of actual bullets (BP_Ammo) attached to the skeleton. In beta 2 these bullets can be attached to the correct sockets and animated to function like they do in a real gun (More on this in beta 2 patch notes). This BP_Ammo array passes on the correct variables need to fire a bullet when chambered and are then removed from the array in the correct order.
  • Blueprint Structure and variables reworked to be more clear and less confusing
  • Added Holster Type variable to define what holster the weapon can be holstered in

BP_ChamberedAmmo (formerly BP_Bulletbase)

  • Now holds the damage variable for they type of bullet fired.
  • This is the bullet that is actually fired from the muzzle of the gun.

BP_Ammo (formerly BP_HeldProjectile)

  • These are the bullets you can hold in your hand and that go in magazines.
  • Added a struct that hold a BP_Ammo and BP_ChamberedAmmo variables. This gets passed on to the gun when chambered. If this isn’t set the gun wont fire.


  • Magazines now hold an array of BP_Ammo
  • You can now remove Ammo from the mag by grabbing the top of a held mag with your free hand
  • Ammo is removed from last to first
  • The last ammo loaded is always the last in the array
  • Magazines can now take multiple types of ammo (set in array). Currently this isn’t really activated because I don’t have examples of different ammo yet. (coming in the future).
  • Magazines propagate their ammo array at begin play, set StartingBullets array to set starting bullets.


  • Full Oculus Touch Support
  • Holsters are moved to their class (See BP_Holster) and are spawned at begin play
  • There are now three grip types (Trigger (grab with trigger press), Grip Press (grab with grip press) and Grab Hold (Grab with grip press drop with grip release)).
  • With the exception of Grab Hold you always drop with a grip press.
  • Updated inventory logic to work with guns having multiple magazine types and ammo types.
  • By pressing the menu button of off hand while in the inventory area and holding a magazine weapon that uses external magazines you can now change between grabbing the magazine with the highest amount of ammo, lowest amount of ammo, or random. Default is highest.


  • Added logic for new grip types.


  • Handles all holster logic
  • Holster Type variable defines the type of objects that should be holstered with this holster
  • Spawned at begin play
  • In the future these will be able to be activated/spawned through game play (like finding a holster object and adding it to your character)


  • Added a stats struct. Each attachment can affect them as wished.


  • Forgrip attachments.
  • You generally want these to affect stabilization mod values


  • Along with affecting stats this attachment also sets the muzzle flash and weapon fire sound.

BP_Scope Attachments

  • Adding auto zeroing logic that runs anytime you attach to a weapon
  • Set the desired zeroing range and the units and it will zero for you!
  • Added in 1x logic for 1x sights like the Holosight
  • Zeroing a magnified scope rotates the camera, zeroing a 1x sight rotates the lens.

New Models and Textures

  • Silencer
  • Holosight
  • Foregrip

New Materials

  • Holosight Material that simulates real world red dot sight behavior. (uses bump offset)

There is likely some stuff I forgot, will add more to this if I did.

so here’s the thing. It doesn’t show up anywhere in the animation bp, the skeleton, the mesh, etc. I suppose it could be the arrow, but then why would it be the exact color of the bow string?

Hey I have been trying to add the death animations to the ai. How do I go about doing this?

And I must be using the wrong control or I am just not dropping the bow in the right holster because I have tried using every character in the weapon master project and still cant get the bow to attach to holster attachment point.

I can go over death animations tomorrow if you wish?

You might want to resend your project so I can see what is going on. The primary holstering is sort of problematic because it is so alien to us as humans. The trigger is over your left and right shoulders (two of them). If you hold your arm up at a 90 degree angle you should be in it.

I don’t know if yall have followed the Epic Updating snaffu but we have a response.

Unfortunately it seems the 4.17 update is still stuck in queue for a while. This is will likely effect the 1.1 update since I will be updating soonish.

Yeah I can do that. what time zone are you in? I never seem to be able to hit your steam live lol

I have a question, for some reason my AI’s / NPC’s shoot to the right of the BP_VR_Character. I am new to Unreal and I have no idea how to make the AI shoot the Collision Capsule. I’m sure it has something to do with the BP_AI_Target or BP_VRDummyMover. But everything I have tried hasn’t resolved the issue. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help.

CST, you can always watch them after the fact on my stream page on Twitch. I post links to them here too.

What do you have them targeting?

If they are targeting the actor (BP_VRCharacter) then they will shoot at the center of the play space (this is counter intuitive I know but its how AI works if you are using Epics built in AI logic). This is the exact reason why the BP_AI_Target exits. Its an actor that follows the player around the play space that the AI can target correctly. In the future AI will target BP_VRDummyMover and I will be removing BP_AI_Target. You can have your AI target the BP_VRDummyMover by passing it to them as the actor to follow/attack.

Does this makes sense?