Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Try moving the muzzle socket forward some. The only times I had this happen was due to it colliding with hand mesh, the gun mesh, or the menu. Did you change your hand mesh?

1.1 wont make it any easier to do this. The big thing for me is once it is integrated you wont be able to update your weapon master code without undoing everything you have done to integrate (unless you update by hand which defeats the purpose of me developing for you :P). That is sort of why I am waiting till after 1.2 since I will consider the Firearm portion “Feature Complete” at that time (what I mean is almost all firearm logic will be in at that point). 1.3 onward is all about other weapon types (melee expansion, thrown weapons, shields, bow expansion, crossbows, etc), stuff that is already covered by the Open VR Expansion Plugin (interactions), New AI, expanded inventory logic, new game specific stuff (like random item spawners), and full multiplayer support.

Quick look at some of the new models coming in 1.1


Bolt Action Rifle With Clip

Also we are only 5 sales away from hitting the 100 milestone across and MP!!!

I would ask that, if you haven’t yet, please give us a star rating on the store when you have the chance! Thanks for all of your support!

Love this kit guys, thanks so much again. I’ve got a game almost wrapped up using this going into beta testing if you have time to check it out. It’s an Audio/Music Reactive Shooter. Below is a vid and link to the discussion and download / steam keys.

Thanks again guys, first game I’ve ever made and had a blast doing it!

AudioFeeder: Zombie Alien Disco - The Prologue

epilepsy and ptsd inducing

Hand mesh is still the same and the muzzle is at the end of the gun. When I point the gun to the side and move it as far away from my body as possible the bullets don’t collide with the player.

Sorry about being so pushy about the vr expansion, it’s just that production of my game is basically at a stand still till I get this is place. I can’t really create new objects or weapons or vehicles or anything like that till I know how the two set ups will interact with each other. We’re talking about the biggest core components here. The player and all it’s movement and interaction logic and all the templates for the objects it will interact with. Multiplayer performance is gunna depend on these too. If you were going to implement it at all it would be wiser to do so before you finish all the gun components for your template because you might end up having to change the whole thing. I’m speaking from having already switched between vr expansion, vr gun tool kit, and weapon master several times.

Could I get an idea of your thought process on how you are going to set this up so I can at least work based on some sort of prediction. Someone threw out the idea of enums in vr expansion’s forum. Idk just need something to work with here.

Understandable yes, I’m certainly in no rush, I need get my head around the blueprints that already exist.

Pack is great BTW, nice work. I’ve been playing the shooting range all morning here. A couple of questions based on what I’ve seen so far.

  1. The grip to use stabilisation on the firearms seems a little counter-intuitive seeing as you grab everything else with trigger. It took me a while to click I had to then hold trigger again to reload the shotgun, even though I was already grabbing it. Is there a specific reason for this? Its something i want to change (make it so you grab with the trigger and not grip) but I don’t want to cause conflicts with something i can’t yet see! :slight_smile:

  2. Would modifying the system to use physics based pickups, so they don’t clip into the environment be a problem? Or, again, is there something specific preventing you from already doing it before I start to pull things apart?

  3. How do updates work from the Marketplace on a pack such as this? If I create a project using it, will it automatically update to the newer version.

  4. And based on question 2, I need to heavily modify your player pawn for the game, what happens if I update the project or it updates itself, I will lose all of my work? Or, do you think I’ll be better of waiting for 1.2 where you say the firearm portion will be complete?

Sorry for the questions, I appreciate your busy with the pack and your own game :slight_smile:


Ha! That is awesome. Great work, it is extremely unique :P.

My answers are in bold :slight_smile:

I am going to add all of VR expansions logic into my weapon master classes so both can work at the same time. The “Hands” will know if they should do a VR Expansion grip or Weapon Master Grip based on the object they are trying to grab. I will also completely change my player character to take advantage of his movement component. That means I will no longer be using any of epics template code.

The integration will be its own thing with weapon master working on top of his logic.

As for the shotgun, that is odd. Lemme check some stuff on my end and see if I can find the problem.

Wanted to let yall know that beta 1 for 1.1 will be coming out on friday for customers. There will be multiple betas as I fix and add stuff. I expect the full release to be two weeks from that.

Cool! Thank you for the update. :slight_smile:

If I have purchased on the ue4 marketplace is there anyway I can get the copy without having to pay twice?

Also I am having a HUGE issue. After adding a variable on the player data counter for tracking what wave you’re on, everything I try to compile now crashes the entire engine. I’ve tried EVERYTHING to fix this and NOTHING is working. I contacted Epic too, but we both know about the wait time with them. Could you maybe take a look at the log and see if you recognize an issue?

Managed to migrate all the essentials over to a clean project and it compiles. Don’t know what I’m gunna do with the original though.

If I purchase the copy do the WeaponMaster builds include a manifest file for the UE4 launcher? I only ask because I would rather go through the UE4 launcher for all my work but still be able to get the updates that you are putting up on . Is this possible so that I can keep everything in one place? Thanks :slight_smile:

are you on 4.17? If so turn off “use compilation manager” in Project Settings - Editor - blueprints. Whatever that is causes constant crashing when you compile in 4.17. I can only work in 4.17 with it off.

I would go with UE4. It will get all of the same updates (though delayed because of epic) and be easier to update. versions do not include a manifest file currently. If you don’t care about ease of integration then is fine and dandy.

I wish the marketplace allowed betas, I would run the beta for 1.1 there too. Then again, I wish a lot of things of the marketplace…lol.

Ok that fixed it. Not sure what it actually does though, I’ll look into it.

Kind of a dev to dev question here, but what does this symbol mean on this node? If i click it the symbol vanishes with no real trace of effect. Capture.PNG

Thanks for the tip with the compilation manager. I was finally able to get the hand UI to work the way I wanted.

Hey… got a couple questions. The primary attach point for the now only works when you spawn with it. It wont let you attach to the primary slot during gameplay. Is there a fix for this or can i just change the slot that it attaches to?
Also how are the rift controls for 4.17? I dont have a rift but would like to release my game on both platforms.
Is there a release date for 1.1 for unreal engine marketplace?