The problem is a missing “S”, so “ws://” must be now anyway “wss://”
That comes from the new international browser-rules about SSL…
Of course in a browser with incognito private mode it do run.
BUT we do editing in VSC and also compiling by any external scripts, and so we have no clue how to handle that problem.
We have no tech dev for that part in our team…
After it will be smart if we find out, why the button “G” now do release the “Gravity” and not do as before “G” for “GET_the_Shoe” from our avatar-shoe app will be run…
In private mode you can take a look at it here …
The SignUp do landing in the game communication matrix system.
Again from that page the LogIn do landing in the Game.
By click to start comes then a tiny popuo with ws:// and i as hairdresser noob think, there it must be a wss in it … ?!?
… Thanks for reading and thinking about it, cu in the game chat ?