Is there a way to tag a player when he joins a multiplayer game and all his components with him like everything in the gamemode for him, default pawn class, hud class, player controller class, gamestate class?
I need a better way of getting references from a players owned objects, right now I need to send data from a players character to his hud then to a object i made up that has nothing to do with him, which is a actor.
I’m finding the BP functions get hud requires get playercontroller and that function requires and index, it defaults to 0, so its always player 1, if i set it to 1 its player 2 etc… I need a better way of getting reference of a players classes.
I was thinking of maybe adding a player’s classes to a gamestate when he joins then incrementing a int each time someone joins and decrementing when someone leaves, but I haven’t really thought it out well.
Whats the best way to do this all in blueprint? Or a better way.