Wavy and Flickering Texture Issues. Why ?

Hello, I have a texture problem and I would like some help.

The issue is that my floor texture (bricks) has a strange wave-like effect when viewed from a distance or at side angles with the camera.

Additionally, when the camera moves, it seems like some parts are flickering.

I tried adding variations in tint and opacity to my material, thinking that the repetition might be causing it, but it didn’t change anything.

For more details, the filter on my textures is set to “nearest” because they are pixel art textures.

I also noticed that the phenomenon worsens when I switch to “no mipmaps”.

Since I’m very new to materials and textures, the solution might be very simple, but I haven’t been able to find one despite searching.

So, I would appreciate some help.
Thanks in advance.

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It’s aliasing. You will always have problems like this if you have a lot of nearly horizontal lines.

You can try change the anti-aliasing method in the project settings, might help.

You can also try change other params that affect how much time the rendering spends trying to clean up the image, but those will drop your frame rate quite significantly

The ‘Temporal Super-Resolution (TSR)’ anti-aliasing method seems to improve this issue (although it still persists a bit). Would you recommend using this method?

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It’s a bit heavier on the system, but apart from that, fine :slight_smile:

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That’s called a Moiré pattern - Wikipedia and happens with compositions like this where you have a lot of parallel lines, especially if you have mulitple sets of lines going in different directions. Aliasing makes it worse, but there’s no real true way to get rid of it. Your best bet is to add in a macro variation texture to break up the repeating patterns.


I’ve tried telling people that, many times, it’s not what they want to hear… :joy:

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