Water System Under Water Post Pro Issue on +1080p screens


So recently I’ve been playing around with the water system unreal 5 now has to offer. Pritty great tool, however some things are still a bit wonkey, and that is exactly what I’m going to adress here today.

First of all the surface looks horrible! luckely the guys at [Bluray Addict] came up with a pritty awesome looking ocean material, that you can find here;

I threw everything out of this material I didn’t need so it looks good enough to work in my realtime projects and it reaches an adequate performance.

Second I’ve been having this post processing issue when underwater and your screensize is larger than 1920x1080 it doesn’t work as it should. You can see what I’m talking about in the image below;

I’ve been cracking my head around it for several days until I dug deep and found it! The issue turns out to be the scattering anisotropic value warping the screen pixels creating this isue.

Put it on 0! And Tadaaaaaa!