Water system is not stable?

The problem arises not when the detail values are modified, just when I drag and drop water system.

I want to know if the problem is caused by a special situation or an unstable situation in the environment I work in.

  1. Empty Open World > 8km World Machine Height Map > Import Scale 100,100,400
  2. Roughly measuring the length, 814,000 x 814,000 x 109,000 (8km x 8km x 1km)
  3. Terrain minz maxz = -100,000, 100,000 for MPC_Water
  4. build mini map
  5. water zone box size 410,000,410,000,70,000
  6. drag water-lake

I want to know if I should change the solution or the way I work.

It is normal at higher ground with reference to coordinate 22100.
The lowest coordinate in the landscape in the picture is 500.

If you create a basic open world project and create a water-lake until it fails, there is a similar problem near coordinates z = -13000.


Water spikes with the river as well. Similar experience trying to manipulate the z coordinates, too.

I create sample error project in github.
I use world partition, so must load world cell.
