Water Plugin: body lake problems and collision

There are some problems with the water plugin, mostly the lake, if I enter it by walking, with no additional setup, my character can only walk in the middle, doesn’t go to the bottom nor top, when he exits, it triggers my landing animation that is only triggered when stop falling, so that might be a gap somehow. When I enable swimming in blueprint, it doesn’t detect water if I bind it to the lake, the work around was to create a custom trace only for water, and my character does not align with the waves, because the collision somehow is not bind to the water position, including waves offset. Does anyone know a fix for these problems?

I was also considering creating a custom water system myself, but it may be too much complicated, unless there is a tutorial to follow along

Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, I think was a bit tired when I wrote this, there are 2 problems:

-sometimes entering and exiting water briefly triggers the “is falling” on animation

-the collision, for both physical and traces, is not linked to the water itself with the waves offset, but to an imaginary plane

Making a custom water system would also be an option if it’s reliable and there’s a good explanation on it