Even water in the editor and play mode is visible and all is good but in the package version it isn’t?
I have the same issue. The experimental plugin seems to be working great in the editor but it’s not present in the packaged version. I would imagine it is the water mesh that isn’t present because the terrain it still deformed as it should be. Unfortunately, I don’t get any errors or warnings when packaging that would help troubleshoot this.
Same here. This is very frustrating.
Same here…
I think I begin to figure why this is happening but don’t know how to fix it, it happening when I change the position of the water down or the position of the landscape I’m not Sure yet. when I change the position of one of them in “z” direction, the water in the packaging version are always under every thing in 3d I mean as if I bush it all the way down in “z” Direction by minus and I can’t fix it. but in editor and play mode all is fine and the water is in the right position…
I hope we find a fix for this soon
Same issue in 4.27
Was able to fix it, in my case problem was that my landscape and waters were in sublevel, I needed this for level streaming. Solution that worked for me was moving them to persistent level.