Water and postprocess material

I tried to make a post processing material for water, when i swimm deeper into the water it get darker, couldnt find it out how to make it work, didnt find examples on how to do it or i didnt know what to search.

I need help with an example that i can folow and learn from it.

Hi, you are using UE4.26 so there is an example created by Unreal Engine team under the plugin Water.

Start with enabling the Water plugin in the editor : Settings->Plugins->Water and the restart your engine.
Once you enable the plugin you can enable “Show plugin Content” in the content browser :

You can find a post process material for “Under Water”, this is the reference and the path to the material :



The material doesn’t go darker when you swim deeper but I think this could be a starting point for you to create a material based on this one.

Here’s the release note of UE4.26 : Unreal Engine 4.26 Release Notes | Unreal Engine Documentation you can search water for more explanation about the water plugin.

Have a nice day :slight_smile: