Wasabi Horizon

Update 01-03-2017

Update: New art, state of programming, and design! (Again)

In this weeks development blog we have made more progress in a few aspects of the game.

Art: These couple weeks, Bryant has been working on more enemies that you will encounter on your journey.

The new enemies are the Brute and Controller type enemies. Enjoy!

Programming: @Demoneyejin (): Working on the state machine that will power our game. currently optimized all movement optimization to input atoms versus raw input. this was done as a test to see gameplay of movement driven by input atoms instead of raw input. The very same input atoms that will be provided to our attack facing and dodging to allow us quick face switching. The current progress on attacking is the refactoring is almost done with the last bit of the state machine being tested with the switching of states on a smaller test bed.

Design: We created a floorplan which lays out all the rooms and flow of Wasabi’s first dungeon but I havent scanned those in yet (paper planning on real paper). This floorplan design was based on a previous dungeon flow chart we created and posted up here. Next step is to design the rooms and create them in the engine.

Thanks for checking us out! Cheers!


Update 02-02-2017 and the Future

**Update: Where we have been, and what we are doing. **

Hey some might be wondering where we have been the last few weeks. A few things have been happening, and we’d like to share it with you guys. We appreciate all the support that the community has been giving us over the course of our development with this project.

What have we been up to the past few weeks?

About a month ago, we volunteered to help a failing video game project being created by a 2 man team that was commissioned for a small event in Miami called “Gacucon- Game Culture Convention” also known as “The Game Cruise.” The programmer that was previously working on it had a few months to complete the gacu project but became unreliable during production, essentially disappearing almost altogether. The event organizers are good friends of ours and also run most of the community meet ups down here in South Florida, so around the second week to January we were informed that the project was silently cancelled and the artist who worked on it (a personal friend) incredibly sad/defeated, so we decided to tackle the project from scratch, as well as recruiting the artist in one fell swoop! The due date for this project was January 25th. We had about two weeks time to complete a game.

So we got to it. We essentially finished the base of the game within 10 days development time and had to compromise where we could for design. We all work full time day jobs, so this project took a toll on the mind, but it was well worth the experience and reaffirmed the potential that we have a team. The end result of this experience is GACU BRAWL. A 2-4 player smash style paper2d fighting game. We finished the project just in time to showcase at GACUCON, with some crazy bugs included! We are going to be bug fixing for the next couple of weeks before releasing it on our site. http://goodwargames.com/games/gacubrawl/



What is next for us?

Before we took on Gacu Brawl, we were working through Wasabi designs and technical work for systems. After this experience, and showcasing some of our other games at Gacucon, we took a step back to reevaluate or position as an indie game studio and consider what options we have in order to become more stable. After much consideration and discussions, the team decided that we will be putting Wasabi Horizon on temporary hold in order focus on revisiting, and prepping a project that is further along in development for Kickstarter. This project is called Hyper:BAE. http://goodwargames.com/hyperbae/

Hyper:BAE is a paper2d sidescroller hardcore platformer in the same style as Super Meat Boy. The base of this game has already been created and playable off our site. This game began as an Unreal Game Jam project whos production time was extended about a month due to scope. If the kickstarter is successful, we plan on revising, redoing, and expanding on the Hyper:BAE core gameplay and visual style.

Wasabi Horizon has proven to be a project that requires much more full time attention that we cannot give without more resources. We feel this is the best step to take in order to secure some funding for our studio, obtain more exposure, have a fully fleshed out and finished game on our belt utilizing the unreal engine, and will help us fund a future project, mainly Wasabi Horizon.

We will be making a new WIP thread for Hyper:BAE on the forums so that you guys can keep up with the games production, provide feedback, and stay involved. We will be announcing the date for our kickstarter at some point in the coming weeks. Be sure to follow us on our social medias for all the details.

Thank you for your support and sticking it out with us. We appreciate all you’ve given us for Wasabi Horizon.
