Wasabi Horizon

This is looking really good! Keep it up!

Can’t wait to see your new combat mechanics!

Update: 08-29-2016

**Update: More animations and Great Enemy AI progress!

Happy monday, Unreal Peeps!
First off, thank you for the kind words. We are very excited to be working on this project and cannot wait to get it into people’s hands!**

This past week has been one of our strongest development weeks. We have made tons of progress with our Enemy AI. We also had a small set back with art due to a bug that crashed our animators program and lost all of the previous weeks progress, but he was able to redo everything he had lost and then some!

ART: Aside from having to redo the upward running angles, Bryant finished up the dash frame and started work on the “getting hit” animation. Take a gander!


Programming/Design: So this wee, we had a realization that our enemies were doing something we were not happy with. They were conga lining while chasing Wasabi, and just acting a little boring. We took some time to discuss and really plan out how we wanted our enemies to function.


There has been tremendous progress with our AI from when it first started out.


Our enemies now move and what seems smarter, and more organic ways. We are still very early into their development, but we are very happy with our progress thusfar. Shoutouts to @MieszkoZ and @PasteDog for the great advice!

**That’s all for this weeks development update. Thanks again to that’s helped out and all the kind words. As always, any questions, and comments welcome!


Update: 09-06-2016

Update: Small art update with Animations

This week was a bit slow on the development side. With (@Demoneyejin) busy with school, and some of us gripped by some new releases last week, some things were missed. But not to worry, as we got some new Wasabi Animations! This week we got the rough animations for taking damage on the four angles.

ART: First one was a redux of last weeks animation which we lost in the art program crash we had.


The ones that follow is the same animation in the rest of the angles.




**Like we said, small update. But every step forward is better than no step!

Let us know what you think!


Update 09-13-2016

**Update: Small update on studying.

Small update from us this week. Most of the week has been dedicated to studying. We studied some 2D game animations, as well as tutorials for art were done, which continued to smash his school studies. Nothing to really show for this week so stay tuned!


Update: 09-19-2016

**Update: New Attack Combo Animation and small development update!

Welcome to another weekly installment of our Development Blog. This week is another small update on two fronts: Art and Development.**

Programming: Between school, work, and Wasabi Horizon life balance, (@demoneyejin) has been refactoring our attack functions so that they before more modular and work well with our weapon switches and attack combos. Much love is being put into this part of the development due to it being our gameplay loop. Attacks and combat must be tight as well as fast paced.

Art: Next up, we got out first Katana combo animation! This will be Wasabi’s bread and butter combo through the game, with special weapons acting as special abilities. Become one with the blade! This is still in a rough state but we love how it is shaping up. Bonus props to anyone that can guess the influence of that last slash!

That’s it for this weeks update. As always, any questions, comments, or saying hi, always appreciated. Till next time!


That spin attack is lookin good! Could it possibly be a Zelda influence? :wink:

Thanks for the kind words! As far the the influence for the spin attack, although Zelda is a massive influence for us, this particular attack is from a different game on the SNES. A lesser known title.

Update: 09-26-2016

**Update: Slow Week, Art on the way.

More Slowdowns plague GWG this week with school and circumstances out of our hands, but even so, we are still moving forward. This upcoming week, we plan on working on more art for the attack animations, as well as getting started to start making concepts of the Wasabi Horizon world and hopefully continue refactoring the attacking in the game. In the mean time, here’s a little Wasabi GIF to hold you over!


and A little extra thing Alfred has been messing with. (We have no plans to move away from paper2d for this project, don’t be scared) ;D

Thanks for sticking this out with us!


Update 10-03-16

**Update: New Attack Combo Animation!!!

Welcome to another weekly development blog for our cool little game. This week we have just been working on more animations, and prepping for more concept art work for the world of Wasabi. Nothing major, but still looking real good!**

ART: This week, we have the almost finished rough of the down Katana Attack combo. (It is missing the final slash)


**That’s all for this week folks. Keep a lookout for more updates, as we hope to have more soon.


Update 10-10-16

**Update: Finished Rough Down Attack Combo Animation!!!

Welcome to yet another small weekly development blog. This week we have finished up last weeks animations, and working on a new one, as well as a bunch of concepts for world environments and bosses and a bunch of stuff we aren’t ready to reveal just yet.

ART: This week, we have the finished rough of the down Katana Attack combo.


**Slow and steady! Always forward!


Update: 10-17-2016

**Update: A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

Welcome, to another weekly dev blog post of our little paper2d game. We got a couple small updates for today from the programming and design sides, as well as the final rough attack combo direction for Wasabi.**

Programming: (@demoneyejin) was able to get a break from schoolwork and work work to tackle the Wasabi attack refactoring. During this refactor, he is creating the system that will allow us to string combo animations fluidly, and in different directions.

Design: This week, I decided to try out something a little different with the way we are approaching level design. Being unhappy with earlier processes, we have come up with a way to begin tackling level flows, and then building maps from these flows. Here is an example of what we are trying out. Heavily influenced by a series on youtube called “Boss Keys” which explores dungeon design in Legend of Zelda games.

Art: Lastly, we have the final direction slash combo for Wasabi’s bread and butter attack. We have already begun importing these into the engine and with the refactoring, we should be bringing this to life and testing it.


**Thanks again for sticking with us! We greatly appreciate the support.


Looking gud bru.

The constant key fetching might be bothersome after a while so better add more features!

Good luck. :slight_smile:

Thanks, man! Still holding out for that fighting template before making our breakout fighting game ;). And Yeah, this was just a first step to trying to organize how to tackle the dungeons. This doesn’t show room, or level layout. There’s more to it that keys and locks, such as combat instances/challenges, and the “hammer locks” would be areas where your special weapon (which there are several) must be used in order to proceed. Also using the term ‘key’ in a very way.

I can send you the fighting game template for the sake of Paper2D spirit, no problem. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh if it is that’s detailed, that’s okay. Prepare some surprises too while at it! gogo! :3

@_@ I’ma do my best!

Check your notifications Demon. :slight_smile:

Update 10-25-16

Update: Short and Stout

**Hello this week we got a very small update. Still chugging away at development but had a couple of slowdowns. This week we participated in a 24hr gamejam where we took Unreal Engine and showed the cool kids in Miami how awesome it is. The game the team was making was not fully done, but we plan on finishing it up within the week and putting it out there. So be on the look out. We love doing gamejams as a way to learn new things and taking small breaks from projects and other works, so we try to do a couple throughout the year. **

ART: Bryant has been working on some killer boss concept art that we are not ready to reveal yet, but soon. We promise it will be glorious!!
DESIGN:** Unfortunately, this weekend right before the game jam I went to the hospital with killer pain. Turned out I had Appendicitis and has surgery on Saturday. So not much of an update on my part this week. Thanks to all who wished me well!

STORY: Alfred and Bry have been working to bringing characters and environments to life on paper in order to get better concept art and designs out of them. Overall story is finished, and we look to update our website soon to reflect all changes.

**That’s all for this week. Stay tuned!


Update 11-14-2016

**Update: Art Concepts and other Goodies

Hello back at it with another update of our paper2d game this week. Still going at it. This week is mostly another art update, as well as a lovely drawing from . Overall, we are working on starting to get things in order to start looking for funding. Thus we have been focusing on art concepts and redoing our website and such but fret not. With the semester almost over, we are going to having more work done on the engine side.

**ART: Bryant has finished working on all boss concept art but we aren’t showing any just yet. To tide you over, we are giving here a FIRST EXCLUSIVE look at our new banner, logo, and posters. This features All of Wasabi’s currently planned weapons! As well as a stand alone look at the Demon Umbrella weapon. We are currently working through as much concept art as we can before starting to do final assets.


http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr16/pedwar2/wasabi%20poster_zpsxtfr8sbz.png http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr16/pedwar2/Demon%20umbrella_zpsmmv9qp6v.png

Programming: A special image from (@demoneyejin) to.


That’s all for this week. As we continue to make progress, you will be the first to know about it!


Update: 11-22-2016

**Update: Art Concepts and Weapons

Hello this weeks update on Wasabi Horizon is a small taste of art to come. As we began to create new boss concepts, we decided to give our original boss, Zappa, a make over. As well as a view of Wasabi’s Arsenal**

ART: Bryant has brought Zappa up to snuff with our other bosses so he didn’t feel left out. Also, Wasabi’s final weapon designs!

**Thats all for our update this week. We will soon be rolling out more concepts. School Semester is finishing soon as well and we can hopefully make some progress on the design and programming side of things. Till then, feel free to drop us a line!


Update 12-19-2016

**Update: New art, state of programming, and design!

We are back with another development blog, everyone! This week we have had a little more time to dedicate to our paper2D project, and we are making some headway in each department.**

Art: This week, Bryant has been working on several of the every day enemies that you will encounter on your journey. Alfred has also began working on revamping the UI.

The enemies shown are the minion, Lurker, and Artillery.

As well as a special guest star, our Ron Perlman inspired Necronomicon.


Programming: With more time on his hands due to semester ending, @Demoneyejin () has been working through state machine tutorials and videos. Learning in order to get Wasabi State machines up and running in the engine itself. This upcoming week, he will be starting to transfer these state machines into the engine. Stay tuned!

Design: As for design, we have hammered down our design documents for Wasabi’s weapons. Nailing down their functions, as well as in game obstacles that will require the weapons to overcome them. Can’t show much about them for the moment till they are in a prototype state, but we hope to be working on that soon enough.

**Thanks for checking us out! Cheers!