Error: Coundn’t find moule rules for module ‘OpenGL’.
I dont even use OpenGL, i have DirectX, Win7 64x.
Error: Coundn’t find moule rules for module ‘OpenGL’.
I dont even use OpenGL, i have DirectX, Win7 64x.
But UE4 has OpenGL renderer which you can use optionally in Windows build (and UE4 actully automaticly use it in WinXP where there no DX10). Give us more info, you use laucher or source UE4 and if this is when you generate files for UE4 or your project
UE4.5.1 generate files fine
i am 100% sure that this is all online setup downloader didnt download files properly.
back offline distrib.
Hi newbprofi,
Could you provide some more information about this issue? Are you using the binary version of the Engine installed by the Launcher, or did you build the Engine from source code?
Hi newbprofi,
We have not heard back from you for a few days. Do you still need help with this issue? I will be marking this question as resolved for tracking purposes, but please feel free to re-open this question at any time if you need more help.