hi guys , this is the first time me and my teamate post here, let me know if we made a mistakes on posting location and thread thx
Warrior’s Pilgrimage Project
*latest update ( see below images )
my name is Arif Pribadi , me and my teammate , Audrey Wong
this Warrior’s Pilgrimage project done by 2 person who have industry experience, that attended University of Hertfordshire. ( just finished )
*update note , what we posted in Unreal Forum here is the latest update, because it is not possible to post everything in one shot ( it going to be really bloated :p) , but if you curious on how it started and how we make the project from scratch you can check out the 3dhit thread or polycount http://www.3dhit.co.uk/?showtopic=27492
here is some short Backstory
The Player play as the Hero character who goes to a small peaceful village in the middle of the mountain landscape to get his blessing on the local temple . But something is not right, there’s seems to be something waiting for him inside the temple…
and some technical detail on how the game going to be
Warrior’s Pilgrimage is a 3rd person game, it is an interactive / playable art. so there is no real gameplay.
the Project is using Unreal Engine
these are some of the latest scene and assets screenshots
franktech depending on what year you want to enter,
I can say from the perspective as person who attend in 3rd year ( because i had school and work experience before )
, since I am starting from year 3 , the cost still cheaper compared to other big name intensive 1 year course school.
for the living cost , as long as you stay out of unnecessary social activity, you will be fine, I only spend less than 1 year in order to graduate, I need to use all my day efficiently
, so I stay out of my normal lifestyle,by staying in small room and walk distance to school , to safe money.
we will have proper breakdown in viva. sometimes we switched role
this is more breakdown, for example some individual asset almost fully done by me ( only 2-4 bricks recycled from Audrey’s gate ) ,
since she is really busy helping out and carving interior statue…
and this environment assembly blockout to finish done by Audrey Wong
sometimes we just mix and match our zbrush file
to make new assets ,we don’t have luxury for “full ownership” since we are only two person team
@ Mas Arif Pribadi dan Mbak Audrey Wong salam kenal dari saya, anda benar benar sangat mengagumkan dan sangat sangat keren hasil karyanya . sampai terpesona dibuatnya. Alamnya dan karakternya sangat hidup dan texturenya juga mantab. Anda mengaplikasikannya dengan sangat bagus di engine unreal ini. semua fungsi di unreal digunakan dengan sangat bagus dan fungsi dof camera juga dimainkan. Mantabbb. Ikut bangga sebagai orang indonesia
@ Mas Arif and Ms Audrey Wong Personal Greetings from me, you are really very amazing and very cool results of his work, so that made me fascinated. The nature and character is very much alive and texture is also cool. You apply it with a very nice in this unreal engine. all functions in unreal used with very nice and dof camera functions also played. Mantabbb. Participate proud as Indonesian
Amazing works! Especially like your lighting, sets the tone of the scenes very well.
Thanks for sharing all of the breakdowns
ps: congrats on getting “pic of the day” haha
yea I made mistake here, it should be work in progress instead of released is it good idea to move this thread?
I will give the download link between 26 th of May to early June , ( currently fixing couple of minor bug, even though it will be just an art exploration ,at least i want it to have less hiccups ) @Triple K ,
makasih juga , sama2 , you are welcome @mikesira
really? I totally missed >.< it but thank you for let me know
Leonnn1 and Ali Akbar
thank you
Sorry for MIA, my bad for not able to maintain multiple social media :(…
there will be two articles coming. for this project. pretty much about sharing techniques and tricks.
there will be second one, where me and Audrey Wong going to talk about
more of her Sculp and I gonna talk for foliages and more pipeline in unreal stay tuned
the demo will be for download around late of this month
Kudos on the level of and attention to detail, simply awe-inspiring. Best of luck on your finished product, and can’t wait to see more from the two of you.