If you have an actor with a physics constraint in your level that don’t initially have two valid bodies set, a warning will be thrown. As far as i can tell, there’s no way of disabling it. See demo project to recreate the issue.
Tested with UE4.16.Preview 3.
Hey Jonas_Molgaard,
Thanks for your report. I’ve entered a ticket which you can track using the link below: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-45007)
Have a great day
Thanks Sean, i’ll keep an eye for it. Have a great day too.
This issue is affecting my blueprints that create new constraints as well. When my blueprint is spawned it creates constraints for itself before enabling physics on itself, which is causing my console to get spammed with this new warning.
This issue seems to have reappeared in 4.16.2. Very annoying to see it pop up all the time.
This is happening in 4.18.3 but i don’t have PhysicsConstraint component. Help!
Hey KennyKyle,
If you’re still running into issues with this, please submit a new report using the form detailed in the following forum thread:
Once we get it, we can look into it and determine if we need to get a new bug written up.