Warning on any key pressed in UE Editor. GConfig::Find attempting to access config with non-normalized path...

Hi everyone, Suddenly out of nowhere I started getting a warning message whenever I press ANY key inside Unreal Editor. There are literally hundreds of lines of the same warning about non-normalized path to DefaultLayout.ini or UE4ClassicLayout.ini flooding the output log. And it doesn’t matter am I typing in a search field, or using WASD to navigate.

Warning message
LogConfig: Warning: GConfig::Find attempting to access config with non-normalized path /Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Config/Layouts/DefaultLayout.ini. Please use FConfigCacheIni::NormalizeConfigIniPath before accessing INI files through ConfigCache. LogConfig: Warning: GConfig::Find attempting to access config with non-normalized path /Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Config/Layouts/UE4ClassicLayout.ini. Please use FConfigCacheIni::NormalizeConfigIniPath before accessing INI files through ConfigCache.

Steps to reproduce

  • Open Unreal Editor 5.1.1 & 5.2
  • Press any key on a keyboard

What I’ve tried to do in order to resolve it

  • Reinstalling Unreal Engine (5.1 & 5.2)
  • Reinstalling Epic Game Launcher
  • Reinstalling OS
  • Logging into Epic Game Launcher a different account

Nothing works. Searched the internet for solution, but found none. Please, help!!!

Hey there @Ratelbytes! This usually stems from a plugin or piece of code trying to access the config files incorrectly. Though I’ve only ever seen this specific error when moving/changing UI so every key is a rare one. Does this occur on fresh projects?

Yep, it occurs on both 5.1.1 and 5.2 even in the absolutely fresh projects.

It just started couple of days ago out of nowhere. What is interesting, is that reinstallation doesn’t help at all.

@SupportiveEntity Any ideas what to do?

Below is a video of how does it look like in the Editor:

Hrm, I’m seeing more reports of this issue cropping up for Mac users specifically across the board. It’s usually a harmless warning, but in your case it drowns out your entire log at all times. This is more than likely a Mac specific bug with the new builds from what I can surmise.

I believe you can silence them when you’re generally working in engine but it also silences compile warnings so this workaround is kind of… not great. Mostly since you’d want those on while working on code/bps but then your log is entirely drowned out.